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Comment Re:Here's Your Cocktail Napkin Business Plan (Score 1) 608

2. Hire real experts, real writers, professional editors. Toss the agenda-driven wankers and college kids.

Sanger tried that. It didn't work. Doesn't mean he hasn't given up yet. (NB: RationalWiki is NOT affiliated with Wikipedia; it was started as a response to Conservapedia (a large group of nutjobs with a wiki, also unaffiliated with Wikipedia)).

PlayStation (Games)

PS3 Jailbreak Now Legal In Spain 113

deek writes "Spanish gamer site NicaGamerz.com have reported that it's now legal to sell the PS3 Jailbreak modchip in Spain (Google translation of Spanish original). According to the article, one reason for the legal ruling is because Sony removed the ability to run GNU/Linux on the console. One can only wonder if Sony will soon rush out a firmware update that will re-enable the OtherOS feature, and appeal the court decision. Oh the irony of that thought. The legal ruling was made on the 13th December (Google translation). There are only 5 days to appeal, starting from that date."

4chan Declares War On Snow Screenshot-sm 201

With all the recent hacktivism in the news, Anonymous has decided to take on a new and powerful enemy: snow. On Sunday the group announced that it will "do everything in its power to shut snow down by attacking the Weather Channel and North Face websites, boycotting outerwear, and voting for the sun as Time’s 2010 Person Of The Year." I'm sure there are a lot of people in Minneapolis right now that would wish them luck.

Comment Re:Issue is Privacy from Other Countries (Score 1) 685

They are simply posting details about past things that the mainstream press conveniently "forgot" to tell us.

Interestingly enough, The NY Times has decided it doesn't like WikiLeaks. I would post a link, but they want a login (it's currently in the opinion section, where it belongs, but it may be archived eventually).

Comment Re:Precedent (Score 1) 225

Actually, I'm curious: why did you use bing?

Microsoft isn't an advertising company. They don't make 98% of their profit from selling access to your time and information like Google does.

No, they make 98% of their profit wasting your time (and information? I guess that's what BSODs are for!), unlike Google

Comment Re:Dude that would be soo cool... (Score 1) 171

"Dude, you know what would be really awesome?"
"If there was a display system that would allow multiple viewers to see a high-quality 3D image projected on a screen without the need for special glasses, regardless of where they are sitting."
"Dude... that would be totally awesome."
"We should totally invent that someday"
"Lets patent it just in case someone really does it!"

If you read the patent you'll notice that it has lots of math and such... Apple didn't just pull this out of Steve's ass.

Comment Re:Suspicious patent? (Score 2) 171

The whole point of patenting things (aside from trolling, which is actually contrary to the point, but anyway) is to get to market first because the PTO gives you a temporary monopoly (you're expected to exploit said monopoly, as a subsidy for the effort of invention).

Ergo, Apple filing a patent and then not getting to market promptly is kind of silly.

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