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Comment Re:Danger??? (Score 1) 107

Actually, Great Whites don't even hunt us out of necessity: We are literally useless to them as food. All they ever do to us is take a bite, realize their mistake, and carry on looking for a worthwhile meal.

The trouble is, given their method of taking a bite involves slamming into their target at high speed and sinking hundreds of teeth in, you may well have been torn in half by the time they go "oops" and spit you back out...

And all that happens... 0,2 times per year?

Compared to deaths at sea for any other reason (ran over by water bike, ran over by surfer, ran over by motorboat, drowned by currents, ...) in which position are white sharks? Next to deaths by stepping on a rusty nail while running at the beach?

Comment Re:End-run around everyone's rights (Score 2) 103

Except for the little detail about the NSA not being allowed to spy Americans indirectly either.

The problem is not that they find creative ways to bend the law, it's that they didn't really need to. It's been proven over and over again that even in the cases where they did break the law without any loophole or excuse, nothing happened anyway.

The problem is reality itself. The reality that since the beginning of times governing people requires spying that same people. We've gotten much more civilized in that now we make an effort of keeping that people in ignorance, so they are a bit happier; but the spying continues.

The government needs spies as it needs assassins and torturers and all kinds of evil agents. If the people keep pushing to reveal the truth, the result won't be the disappearance of evil agents but the removal of the pink veil.

At some point, if the kid insists enough, the parent's patience ends and he replies "because I say so, now shut up."

Comment Re:A waste of money, and irresponsible. (Score 3, Interesting) 79

This is a waste of money, regardless, but considering the economy, it isn't a responsible use of taxpayer dollars, either.

Right. Because science is always a bad investment.

We should spend taxpayer money in military so we can steal from the countries that do advance technologically? Or what's your master plan on how to stay among the first instead of plummeting to the group of those countries that mostly serve as factories for the more advanced.

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