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Comment There are a lot of systemd-free options out there (Score 3, Informative) 116

Which distro are you using that isn't already infected by systemd? I'm SO glad Gentoo still allows me to use OpenRC...

Me too! I use both funtoo and gentoo, at work and at home, but here's a pretty good sized list of options for those who like debian, arch, and other distributions:


If you're stuck with Red Hat, your choices have been pretty much taken from you, and you should probably be looking to change to something else, but otherwise you probably have the choice of using OpenRC or upstart, and someone has probably already figured out how for you.

Comment Scary indeed (Score 2) 110

ust wait until Daesh (aka ISIS/ISIL/IS) decide to use this to target people in the west who criticize their particularly noxious brand of Islam, and as in target, I mean track you in real time and behead you on the street, at their leisure.

Not sure why your post was marked flamebait. It's a chilling possibility, that illustrates in very stark terms why we cannot afford to simply give up and allow our privacy to be stripped away, and why we need to roll back the invasions into our personal and digital space marketing firms and government agencies have already made. Our very lives may depend on it. Facial recognition is terrifying in this context.

Comment Re:Slashdot you are no better (Score 1) 474

I get where you're coming from, but at the same time that's not something I would call censorship.

Censorship is when speech is suppressed. Slashdot choosing not to publish stories is scummy, but it's not the same as preventing users from speaking about it. You can still talk about it, Slashdot just isn't give you a specific platform for it.

When comments get deleted and users get banned, then that's censorship.

Comment Bing and Google don't help (Score 1) 479

Google and bing don't help. Google highlights creationist mythology as though it were scientific fact, and bing has the same nonsense cropping up as its first hit. Clearly these mysanthropes have managed to game the search engines, and the search engines can't be bothered to fact-check their own results (or highlighted articles! Come on Google, grow a brain!). A pity they can't use that same intelligence to think their way out of their own ass.

Comment US Industry betrayed a relationship of trust (Score 4, Insightful) 236

US Industry (Cisco et al) betrayed a basic position of trust. They did so when they helped facilitate the Great Firewall of China and assisted the Chinese government in imprisoning dissidents. Hell, they did when obese captains of industry were on TV signing accords with Chinese politicians days after the Tiananmen Square massacre.

However, facilitating the NSA's indiscriminate violation of everybody's privacy worldwide was a step too far for just about everyone, and now they are getting the smackdown they so richly deserve after decades of betraying our most basic, sacred constitutional principles.

In short, fuck every tech company who cooperated with the NSA. You haven't even begun to get what you deserve.

Comment Those issues are real enough (Score 1) 415

I've experienced literally none of those things on any of the Macs or iOS devices that I come in contact with daily. Are you certain that those aren't particular to your own system?

I've run across most of those issues at one time or another on Mavericks, on both my work macair and my wife's powerbook (the display port drop-outs are particularly annoying). It isn't helpful to simply dismiss issues people raise ... frankly, it makes you sound like a systemd developer. Better for all of us if these issues are raised and fixed (even if the corporate master in question will never officially admit such issues exist). Then we all win.

Comment There are more reasonable alternatives (Score 2, Informative) 128

> Gentoo + OpenRC here, fuck systemd. If the rest of you enjoy having something shoved down your throats for political purposes


His point is that you have more reasonable options for a server Linux system than a distribution that has adopted an opaque init system like systemd that is being pushed largely by the desktop crowd (not that you need it for a good desktop...lots of people have been running modern Linux desktops since the 1990s, and have kept up with the latest changes, without adding the complexity and opacity of systemd).

Some options for a systemd desktop OR server Linux system:

  • Devuan - a fork of Debian with systemd removed (https://devuan.org/)
  • Arch + Openrc (http://systemd-free.org/)
  • Gentoo + Openrc (http://gentoo.org)
  • Funtoo (http://funtoo.org)

and many more. All of which many find to be much more suited for servers than Fedora or Debian with systemd.

Comment Met a couple of the Jurists (Score 3) 52

I met a couple of the Nebula folks at the Chicago Printer's Row Lit Fest yesterday. Very nice people, with a genuine interest in Sci Fi and deep knowledge of the Genre.

A really nice change from the Hugo acrimony of weeks past. I'm delighted to see Niven in there ... he's certainly waited long enough! I'm even more delighted to see a number of books I haven't read yet winning ... looks like my pile of summer reading just got higher.

Comment They will care, probably sooner than they think (Score 4, Insightful) 128

Let's not pretend everyone has issues with systemd. Plenty of people are totally ok with it.

Until they have to debug a boottime issue (which crops up quite frequently in production environments with systemd). Some overworked desktop/power-management developers and lazy devops folks have been seduced by the promises of systemd, but all it takes is one morning wasted tracking down boottime issues within binary logs and quirky systemd corner cases to make it clear just how bad an idea systemd has turned out to be.

Unfortunately, by then their strategy of subsuming other projects (sianara ntp, it was nice knowin' you), enforcing dependencies, making it more difficult to maintain alternatives (dropping support for biosdevname=0 for example) will have made it difficult if not impossible for those who wake up to switch to something that adheres to more sensible unix norms. I have used Linux since 1993, on my desktop since I could get X running with twm, and later through the gauntlet of enlightenment, gnome, KDE, e17 etc., but I fear this really is the beginning of the end for Linux as a viable alternative to anything. Unless of course Google steps up to the plate with a solid alternative (after all, they don't seem to use systemd in chrome OS). OpenRC is great, but with power management developers refusing the support anything other than systemd, it faces an uphill battle despite being a well established and in most ways a superior init system.

Perhaps the Debian Fork, Gentoo, Funtoo, Arch without Systemd, etc. will succeed in joining forces to maintain a sensible alternative or two. Because otherwise you might as well run OS X ... you get the same byzantine init and config crap, without the other hassles that in the past were worth it to run a clean Linux system, but certainly aren't with systemd in the mix.

Comment Kudos To The Winner (Score 4, Interesting) 27

This contest is always a good read. I continue to be impressed with the crazy things these participants can think of, and simultaneously disturbed by the fact that they actually came up with this.

The winner is especially good, both for being truly underhanded and for putting the lynchpin error in the location you'd least expect to see it. It's a beautiful combination of subtle subterfuge at several points to make the whole thing come together. As TFA so delightfully puts it: "The whole thing is hidden in auditing code, which wins points for sheer spite."

So kudos to the winner. And on behalf of the rest of humanity, please never end up in a situation where you get to use your evil skills in the real world!

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