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Comment Re:Soooo.... (Score 2) 379

Because he expects the community to agree with him. Karma should reflect what the community thinks of his activity, not what the site's admin thinks, so it should be possible to have positive karma on this site even posting negative comments about it, as long as the community supports them.

So either the admin tampered with his karma against the community's intentions, or the community is not as impressed with his activity as he thinks.

Comment Re:Where to obtain relevant news ? (Score 1) 361

Slashdot doens't write original articles, it mainly refers to already existings public articles/blogposts. The site is interesting mainly for the comments section which depends on the community and communities are extremely volatile. Of course you can try to introduce subscriptions/paywalls/whatever, but you have to make sure you don't alienate too much people since if slashdot loses its community nothing much of value would remain.

Comment Re:Pffft (Score 1) 723

Winter tires are advised even if there is no snow since they provide a far superior performance in low temperature conditions. Not sure about the climate in Oklahoma, but if you have many months with temperatures falling under about 7C/45F you should switch tires in the winter.

Comment Re:Murica Fuck yea! (Score 1) 635

Well, more or less. People living in a city here expect to have at least a grocery store and a public transport stop within walking distance, making this information almost mandatory in all housing offers advertisements. I recently relocated to a different city and the greatest distance I found in the various offers I evaluated was 500 meters.

Grocery stores actually have to place the stores strategically since customers want to be able to get there walking and tend not to be too loyal to a given chain, so if you are significantly farther away compared to your competitors you lose customers. In my neighborhood alone there are at least a dozen grocery stores, half of them belonging to the same 2 big players.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
