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Comment Re:Interesting study (Score 1) 195

Sure, being able and willing to refine a model and better predict results gives researchers more credibility, if looked at objectively. But there are a lot of people who don't look at the issue objectively and will use any possible tool to try to discredit the concept of global warming, mostly because trying to deal with it would be 'bad for business' or accepting it would necessitate making undesired changes in their lifestyle.

Comment Re:Accepting Responsibility (Score 2) 352

Hm, so, you're saying if you wrote some software that has undesired, incorrect behavior that could easily be considered deeply insulting and someone told you about it or even-gasp-complained, you'd tell them to stop fucking whining. Oh, and insult anyone who thought an apology for your fuck-up is appropriate.

What a piece of work you are. Just the sort of person I'd want to work with or have designing products. I'm sure that when a bad outcome comes about, despite your behavior and decision-making clearly having been perfect, your response will be polite and professional.

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