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Comment Re:Addiction (Score 1) 291

that's the addiction talking. Time to stop and check into NA or AA.

Do you genuinely believe it necessary for someone who smokes pot on a regular basis to check into NA?

Many people use cannabis for various reasons. Sure, some people use it to "get stupid" as you so eloquently put it. Some people might use it because they think it's a form of enlightenment. Both of these types of users are the same and don't really represent the majority of users who smoke cannabis simply to make their bodies less uncomfortable. In this regard, its use is therapeutic.

Prohibitionists just want to enforce their theories of "acceptable therapy" on others, mainly because they have been led to believe cannabis is something different than what it really is.

Comment Re: Easy grammar (Score 1) 626

I remember as a kid, maybe 6 or 7, I had this toy that was one of those flying contraptions where you pulled a string on a handle that spun the flying thing really fast and it flew (mostly) straight up.

On the handle bit where the string was and the flying thing attached to, there was a word and an arrow ... WIND =>

Now, I remember this confusing me for a second, did it mean I should align the arrow with the direction the wind is blowing? Or did it mean that was the direction I should wind up the string so it spins in the right direction?

It took me a second, I was pretty young after all, but I ultimately decided that they meant *both*, even though the latter, I'm sure in hindsight, was the intentional meaning. In this case, basing my definition of WIND on context increased confusion .

Comment Re:Tabs vs Spaces (Score 1) 428

You are simply not getting it. A space is always 1 space, you are correct about this, but why are you using spaces for indentation in the first place? Do you seriously hit space bar 12 or 16 times to indent a few columns? What do you do with deep HTML markup?

Besides, why are you even worried about having to backspace over a "random" number of tabs? Isn't that what Shift+Home is for? Shift+Delete (some editors)?

Are there any keys on your keyboard that you *do* use?

Comment Re:Roadside assistance (Score 1) 277

Assuming I am alone, there are emergency roadside phone every mile or so that I can use. Alternatively, I can use a normal landline or flag down a passing state trooper. I don't see this as an issue, as it will happen at most a handful of times in my life.

If I need a ride home after city buses have stopped, I can call a cab or I can stay the night. Again, is this really a problem? Did people never leave home before cell phones?

Why do you need to phone someone when you show up at their apartment? Why not use the buzzer or knock on the door? If this is a case where the apartment doesn't have doors or buzzers, I can send them a message when I leave home, "hey, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

You came up with three exceptionally weak circumstances where a cell phone might be a bit more convenient if you have managed to not plan anything you're doing.

Again, folks assuming that day-to-day life is impossible without a cell phone.

Comment Re:I've avoided programming (Score 1) 220

I do web development and it's mostly the standard LAMP stack type stuff. One of the frustrations I have constantly is that I still need to learn how to do someone else's job simply to do my own.

In that regard I've learned how to use Linux with various services, learned about SOLR, Nginx, Apache, ESXi, Docker, MAAS, and a list of other things I've probably mostly forgotten. If I wanted to, I feel confident I could rebrand as a sysadmin, but lord knows I don't want to. I like writing code and solving challenges, but I hate having to trudge through all bits about getting infrastructure to work.

On top of that I work almost entirely on e-commerce sites, so I am forced to learn various business models, sales tax implications, PCI-compliance standards, payment and shipping APIs, assorted accounting software, and on and on.

I complain, but at the same time I understand that certain combinations of certain skillsets are what make an employee desirable. I like having the ability to do other people's jobs, sometimes I just don't want to.

Comment Re:The university system needs a reality check (Score 1) 121

Part of the college experience is maturing as an individual, which is made possible by interpersonal interactions that occur in a large community.

Or, for the folks who already did all the adolescent "maturing as an individual" stuff while in high school, the college experience instead becomes an expensive way to waste time for a few years.

When you have average talent, the draw of college is much greater as you want to set yourself apart in some way. Unfortunately, college is a really terrible way to do that, as you will still be average when you are done with college, just like everyone else that went. A society of people that think like you do are what create a world of people with average talent.

If you want to be above average, go do it differently, uniquely. Learn from your own experiences and share that knowledge with others who are average. They will look up to you, admire you, and want to work with you.

The only thing people learn by going to college is how to be just like everyone else.

Comment Re:So that looks like a very expensive MOOC (Score 1) 121

... which included a suggestion that "students that have some CS background" should not be allowed to attend in-person intro CS courses.

This sounds completely backwards to me. The students who are already interested in the program are the ones who don't get to attend?

Are we still in a race to the bottom here? I thought society decided at some point that we should be encouraging our best and brightest ... I see I am mistaken.

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