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Comment Re:Emacs versus vi again? (Score 1) 198

Surely a professional is going to be able to pick up how to use different software quickly enough that's it's going to make little difference in the long run which one they started with?

I suppose you could give it a try to see. My experience shifting from Imagine to Lightwave was not too terrible. But that was around 1992, when 3D wasn't as developed.

But I grew with Lightwave, the incremental changes from version to version allowed incremental learning. Got pretty fair with it.

Now into Maya, the interface is different, the different effects are handled completely differently. It's very good though. I'm not yet.

All to say that if I had a commercial job come in now, I'd fall back to Lightwave.

To work efficiently in 3-D, you pretty much have to have the commands committed to muscle memory, just like other programs, only amped up a lot. If 3-D is simple for you, you might have a career path in front of you. A lot of people who are a lot smarter than me lose their minds while watching me work. It ain't excel, it ain't even Photoshop.

And stop calling me Shirley! ;^)

Comment Re:pointless (Score 2) 97

yeah, tools like you who are smarter than the rocket scientists. And, your notion of sending a 200 lb astronaut with another 20,000 lbs of support vehicle being "easier" than sending a 2000 lb satellite is just baffling.

Let's chat about orbital mechanics and the space environment.

Oh yeah, 1) we don't have to bring the satellite back

So did we get some sort of Star Trek Transporter technology? Or we're just going to tell the samples to get on over to earth? I suspect that if you did d want the asteroid to be looked at (a big assumption - I suspect you don't) you have a grossly inflated expectations of the capabilities of satellite based chemical analysis. Ever been in a real chem lab?

you're making a stupid, stupid assumption that the "boulder" will actually be monolithic and not shed pieces under the tidal forces. You're likely to be wrong.

Wow. Two stupids. Okay, first thing is that we've got this awesome new technology called bags Usually they have a hole at one end, and they are kind of closed up at the other. So if we wanted to snare and send back a crumbly Carbonaceous asteroid, we'd probably put a bag around it. Some bags are pretty darn big too. Still, we don't have to bring back Vesta, you know.

Second thing, we might pick and choose among the asteroids. The nickle-iron ones are of mining interest, and are darned solid. The carbonaceous ones are of great interest to scientists, and the silicate ones are probably of least interest - but who knows?

In the end, this is an exercise in so many different things, snagging, transporting, probably extraction methods, research and development, its a real winner.

And your non-problem problems just show how some have to grasp at straws to find reasons to oppose it.

Comment Re:Ugly Solution (Score 2) 197

I'm sure politicians, and not Engineers are deciding this.

Absolutely. And when Politicians and their Excel enabled lackeys - the bean counters - get involved, you'll find thatThere will be studies and presentations to show now much money will be saved by making the wall X feet shorter.

A very good example of this is the fencing systems along American interstate highways. Supposed to keep deer and other big animals away. Some one with more power than brains made the decision to save money, and made the fences shorter. Too bad the deer can jump over it. Rather than blocking them, it's just like an exercise programs for the ones that don't get disintegrated.

Prudence demands that you use historical evidence of the highest Tsunami. There are gravel lines all over the coast that are physical evidence, Then you add in a safety factor. Then you build, without the bean counters telling you to lop off a few feet.

But people haven't changed since the days when Fukushima was built, with a seawall that was lower than expected Tsunami waves. I was shocked when my research showed that the facility being swamped was not only possible, but simply was going to happen. The evidence both in the historical and geological record said so.

BTW - I'd suggest that they might think about release gates to let the breachwater back out after the wall is topped because of cost saving measures.

Comment Re:pointless (Score 1) 97

What astronauts exactly? And why put something in the path of possible future moon missions (made by perhaps smarter countries than the USA)

Seriously? You figure that asteroid is going to make a Dyson sphere around the moon or something?

If we are to find out what is in Asteroids, just imagine how much moore convenient it will be than having to go far out to analyze them.

Anything else you hate about existence?

Comment Re:Free as in (Score 1) 198

FREE so much as people complaining about the rules and restraints associated with it.

To be certain, there is a vested interest here on their part. People will learn how to use their software, and may be employment opportunities later on. So we really need to send the entire company to gitmo, maybe attach batteries to their nuts then dump them in Northern Iraq with "Allah sucks" written on their T-Shirts so that ISUL lops thei rnoggins off? Would that be a proper punisment for their perfidy?

So if is so very important that you have no restrictions, then by all means use Blender.

But lets remove the cancer of humanity Pixar from the equation.

Let's say I run a 3-D animation house using Lightwave - which isn't all that far off, because I used Lightwave pretty often at work.

Now I need some extra animators. Two people come in. One works in Lightwave, one works in Blender. Both appear about the same in all other aspects.

Who do I hire?

As I noted before, I've worked in 3-D animations since the early 90's. The paramount issue is the software. The learning curve is so steep that there has to be a really good reason to switch software, like they don't make it any more, or it's too hard to find models over a long period of time. Which is why after I left Imagine, I went with Lightwave and hung out there for a long, long time.

Which brings me to the answer. I'd hire the Lightwage person.

Even if the Blender person was somewhat better , I'd hire the Lightwave person. If the Blender person was a Savant, I might hire them as an intern, of even but them a copy of my particular program, but 3-D work does not tend to suffer any deadline slippage, so you have to have the work done on time. Learnig curve?

This perfidy of RenderMan gives me even more impetus to learn Maya, as it is one of the programs that is compatable with RenderMan.

And if I for some reason take on a commercial job, I have other rendering options.

I'm off to download it now, so whine away, this is about as Win- Win a situation as I can think of.....

Well maybe free beer is better, as long as it is an acceptable brew, served at the right temperature, in a proper glass, and delivered and served by a cute Dirndl Girl. (or Guy in Lederhosen for the folks who prefer that)

Otherwise screw that shit, goddamnd criminal beer makers....

Comment Re:Free as in (Score 1) 198

There are other programs out there. You might not like the price.

I believe Blender is still free.

And, if you don't mind renting your software and do the Adobe CC thing, After Effects includes Cinema 4D Lite which is pretty powerful and included in the price.

If you are going to learn 3-D animation and try to make money from it, you should use the software your employer uses. If you are independent, you use whatever trips your trigger.

Where I was at, we used Lightwave. Using Blender would have prepared me to do what?

I'm trying out Maya now, I'll dl RenderMan when I get the chance. I'm independent how, and can try out what I like. Don't like free shit? Don't use it, You should be complaining about that goddamn Blender program while you are at it. Y'all are just proving that in the new Slashdot, you can't give something away without most of ya bitching about it.

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