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Comment Re:I like violent music... (Score 5, Interesting) 500

Could you clarify this distinction you make between the passive aggression of listening to pantera and active aggression that video games 'are'?
Does this mean passively watching violent movies is also passive aggression? And killing a mosquito is active aggression?
It sounds more like personal preference to me, clad in nice sounding terms.

It's been shown in many sound social psychological studies over decades that in children there is a strong correlation between watching violent tv and aggressive behavior, between playing violent video-games and aggressive behavior and between listening to aggressive music and aggressive behavior.
Go google (google scolar) yourself or look it up on wikipedia.

--There has never been any study proving a causal relationship between these (with behavior being the dependent factor) where the effect lasts for more than a few minutes. --

The catharsis theory ("I go to martial arts school so I don't have to be violent at home", "I listen to pantera once I'm at home so I can be more calm when I'm at work") is a Freudian theory disproved ages ago as well. I'm sure people can peruse the relevant social and personality psychology literature themselves on this. (journal of personality and social psychology, etc. )

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Vodka used as medicinal alcohol

l2718 writes: A large dose of ethanol is commonoly used to treat poisoning by other alcohols. When Australian doctors ran out of pure alcohol while treating an Italian tourist who drank ethylene glycol, they tried an alternate medical protocol instead.

"The patient was drip-fed about three standard drinks an hour for three days in the intensive care unit," [a doctor] said. "The hospital's administrators were also very understanding when we explained our reasons for buying a case of vodka."

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