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Comment Re:The real question here (Score 1) 185

It's good for a long term homeowner, but messed up lots of other things.. As a kid, I remember tons of after school activities and such that _older_ kids had suddenly went away after Prop 13 went in. (Probably more than after school activities, but that's what I remembered at the time...)

(I bought a few years ago, so I have a high purchase price, but will "benefit" from Prop 13 if values go up higher and I thus don't have to pay hugely increased property tax.. But I do think things should be more even across the board.. NOT wealth distribution, but I would do away with subsidies, even ones I benefit from, like mortgage tax deduction -- that would simply get me to pay off my mortgage rather than make more investing the money, like I can do now.)

Comment Re:The real question here (Score 2) 185

She should have been happy. There's typically no reason to want your property to increase in value unless you plan to sell it. It just increases your property taxes.

The post you're replying to was in Silicon Valley, obviously in CA. So the property tax is (mostly) based on the purchase price + some small growth allowed each year. That was due to Prop 13. So just because the value goes up, doesn't make the property tax go up... unless something happens to cause it to get reassessed (I think major improvements to the house can do this). But simply living in it doesn't.

(Some transfers, e.g. between some family members, don't cause reassessed value too..)

Comment Re:You're not willing to pay (Score 1) 285

Well I agree with that. Doctors are well-paid, and deservedly so.

The national data at gives $185,194 as the median.

For a job requiring SO much education, and them likely having huuuuuge college loans to pay back, that really doesn't seem like a *TON* of money. (Plus, they have to spend a lot on medical insurance, due to sue-happy people.)

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