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Comment Re: Does anyone oppose this? tsarkon reports (Score 1) 155

If you have a model showing warming, you still have to show that it's due mostly to man, and you have to show that making a given change would slow, stop, or reverse it. That is all very difficult to do. But the current state of the science is that they can't even reliably predict the warming. That doesn't mean they are wrong. I have my method of study be flipping a coin and I could end up with the right conclusion. But the burden is on those who want to radically change energy consumption habits and/or cost structure, and that's where people, including me, aren't convinced. Trying to turn it around as if the burden is on "the deniers", as you say, is an old enough trick that I don't think anyone will fall for it.

As in, As I said, "models without agw are completely useless for the past 50 years" How does this not show that it's due mostly to man? Compared to the size of the miss without an AGW term, the overshoot in recent years is negligible. Of course, if anybody anywhere does have a model which does match climate history without including an AGW term, this is a great chance to post it and show how those IPCC folks are cherry picking, right? Anyone? Hello? If not, then any honest scientist is essentially required to include AGW in any climate hypothesis. Otherwise, you are indeed a denier. You don't have to show that making a given change would slow stop or reverse it. I have a model that suggests that if you swallow 200 mg of cyanide you will die. I strongly urge you to accept this model and not disregard it on the basis that it does not have a mechanism that would slow stop or reverse it. "If you have a model showing warming, you still have to show that it's due mostly to man"

Comment Re: Does anyone oppose this? (Score 1) 155

And that's why we take all the kids who have the impetus to come here from South America and send them home, rather than give them an education so they can support our society in the future when there will be more retirees then workets. So sad that they are already incorrigible criminals at age 7,having deliberately violated our immigration laws.

Comment Re: Does anyone oppose this? tsarkon reports (Score 1) 155

Actually scientists reinterpret old data all the time. You think they don't make relativistic corrections to estimated velocities from data pre relativity ? And you think that actual temperature data now that we have it should not be used because it no longer correlates with tree rings from the far north? Because that's more logical then to hypothesize that something might be happening in places like Alaska over the past 50 years that might affect tree growth? But you fudge the central question; if you don't know of any models that don't overestimate recent warming, then do you know of any models with no agw term at all that do a decent job of estimating recent temperature at all? The way they estimate 19th and early 20th century temps? It's a pretty standard axiom of modeling that if a term improves the model fit, it's a valid effect. What's the denials logic; models with the AGW term overestimate the warming in the most recent years, whereas models without agw are completely useless for the past 50 years, thereby disproving AGW?

Comment Re: Does anyone oppose this? (Score 1) 155

Nonsense. It's a simple matter of the free market. Some people want to use the atmosphere as an open sewer for whatever byproducts are produced by their particular industry, others want to use the atmosphere for breathing. A textbook case for the invisible hand of the market to determine the best use of the air. But statistics think they know better than the rest of us, they think they can decide whether breathing is more valuable than waste disposal. This is the kind of socialism that makes places like Canada or Europe such hell holes.

Comment Re: (Score 1) 497

Kind of like how anybody who could publish a reliable paper demonstrating antigravity is prevented from publishing, you can only get grant money for experiments which prove gravity exists. In the latest issue of PNAS alone, there are papers demonstrating what happens when you drop an empty beer bottle, an elephant, a quinoa and kale salad, a top quark, and the planet Mercury. What a surprise, they are all demonstrated to fall. Damn scientific fundamentalists!

Comment Re:"Thus ends "Climategate." Hopefully." (Score 1) 497

"Why this isn't climate change at all! It's *removes mask from monster* Michael Mann and 97% of the world's scientists!"

"We would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling billionaires!"

(Oops. Should have added a spoiler alert.)

"As a scientist who studies cloud formation around dust particles as nuclei, I have no idea why I would want to make the use of petroleum and coal obsolete, but... it's just too good a scam. Alright, count me in!"

Comment Re:"Thus ends "Climategate." Hopefully." (Score 1) 497

So... publications of scientists whose results disprove AGW aren't included in climatology papers? Where did those 3% of naysayers and 66% of agnostics come from, then? And where are these disprovers publishing then? (I know, here it comes, all together now, "They're not allowed to publish!" Probably secretly murdered by Al Gore's New World Order black heliocopters.

Comment Re:"Thus ends "Climategate." Hopefully." (Score 1) 497

Actually, it's 97% of the papers which expressed some sort of explicit or implicit conclusion re AGW in the abstract. Best to be quite precise in our definitions of what is being asked and answered or we land in easily skeptified territory. Although in the study as a validation they did ask some thousand or so of the authors directly whether they believed in AGW or not, or were agnostic, and got results remarkably similar to what they gleaned from reading the abstracts.

Comment Re:"Thus ends "Climategate." Hopefully." (Score 1) 497

Follow the money. How many grants are given to the study of ..... non catastrophic AGW? If you are a climatologist and want funding, you are pro-AGW, and you don't hide it, even if you are skeptical, as it is the only way to keep your funding.

Of course, if this were funded by KOCH, you'd bet the funding would be an issue.

OK, I"ll bite. How many grants are given to the study of ..... non catastrophic AGW? and how many grants are given to the study of catastrophic AGW? And how many to studies debunking AGW? If you have the answers to these questions, why haven't you provided them in your original post, to make your point? At very least it appears that you are engaging in slinging doubt like a shotgun full of mud, in hopes that at some point you might land on something correct. How do you put that into a study proposal, anyway? "I plan to correlate ocean temperatures with currents in order to prove that AGW will not be catastrophic" "NO! You must intend to prove that AGW WILL be catastrophic! Denied! Denied! Denied!!"

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