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Comment Re:Bullshit! (Score 1) 187

Which just goes to show you that people need to be better educated on how to compare the risks and benefits of the substances that they consume. We have a good understanding of what ASA does, and a good understanding of what APAP does. It is not beyond a person of normal intelligence to weigh the benefits and risks of each.

Comment Bullshit! (Score 1) 187

ASA, or aspirin, is first line treatment for heart attacks and all hospitals have it in stock, and plavix is prescribed a lot more often than warfarin for anti-platelet therapy. Research aspirin's side effects and you will understand why it just isn't handed out willy-nilly. If ASA were a new drug coming to market it is doubtful that it would be available over the counter.

Comment Either way, something has to be done! (Score 2) 145

Saddleing people with a lifetime of debt is not the answer. A governments duty to its constituents is to provide them with the tools to thrive in the environments that they find themsleves. This is why primary and eventually high school educations became eventually mandated as free and eventually required of all citizens under their jurisdiction. There is no way that something that can only be obtained by money can be considered equalizing in any democracy.

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