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Comment Striesand effect (I think?) (Score 5, Interesting) 275

As a Pakistani, I can only find this hilarious, albeit morbidly so.

You see, all they have succeeded in making sure that *every* one knows how to use proxies.

You see, as long as people got their damn facebook and youtube, no one gave a flying hoot about anything else. We (including I myself) didn't know there was even a way to access websites banned by the PTA, and since we were *good* boys and girls, we didn't care about *bad* websites being closed, so we didn't bother finding out how we could access them.

Now, they can't access youtube, well guess what, people started asking, how can we access restricted websites? Answer: Proxies etc.

We are not bad people, right? We just want to access youtube to watch University lectures (pakistan's virtual university has a youtube channel with all their lectures online), how to stitch clothes (my mom's favourite, she learnt many a good cloth making designs on youtube) etc...

And while we are doing this to only access youtube now, well, a proxy opens the way to *all* websites.

Now even the websites they would *genuinely* want people to stop visiting (porn etc) are open to all. Guess what, my dear local mullah, you have only succeeded in making sure people now have the tools to visit the same evil websites you wanted to stop.

Yeah, all that, um, *effort*, that 15 year old kid did to find and collate a list of 780,000 porn websites for the govt to ban? The internet routes around obstructions, b'ch!

Not that the govt cares either way, they are busy making sure the bhutto dynasty can continue on... these are all attention diversion tactics, to hide the fact that I can't find gas for a week (btw, Gas means CNG in local context, Petrol is hardly ever used, though even *that* has run out! yeah our govt is awesome)

And it's not like *anyone* is pretending they are *not* using youtube; for example, TV channels often put their programs on youtube for people to view, and obviously they must be using proxies, since they haven't switched to other websites. They bald-faced-ly give links to the youtube version on their facebook page, for example.

But no one can dare admit that the youtube ban is a farce, or they will be part of the *blasphemous* campaign. Also, apparently, by Pakistan banning youtube, we have brought down Google to it's knees (I have seen actual *statistics* to that effect, don't ask me where they got their figures from), we are winning! We can't give up a step away from victory!

Vive la révolution islamique!

Comment Re:there will be a sudden uprise in weddings... (Score 4, Interesting) 76

Um, just to clarify, this is south asia we are talking about, not europe or us or other place with strict slaughter control. We have already have trouble catching meat that came from bloated animals (they pump water in the arteries to fatten up the meat...) and meat that comes from already deceased carcasses. Things are bad, here.

So let's revisit the issue. Govt orders a cull. Typically, that means it won't do it itself, just orders one to be conducted by the stock owners. People naturally get afraid, demand drops, chicken prices hit rock bottom.

Cue crazy people taking advantage of falling chicken prices to organise massive weddings. No body knows where the chicken is coming from, is it from the affected stock, is it safe blah blah.

Please don't presume, I have nothing against cheap chicken and weddings. But I know my country, I know just how *diligently* they work. If all the infected chicken had been disposed off in a proper way, then it wouldn't have mattered, because that would have ensured the other chicken was safe, it's only the stigma keeping the prices low. But given our less than amicable control system, you can't be sure of that here.

If people can cheat by bloating and dead-carcassing, you think they wouldn't stoop to a bit of bribery to ensure *their* stock is passed without checks?

Comment Re:there will be a sudden uprise in weddings... (Score 3, Interesting) 76

No, that's not the point, the point is, I heard *a lot* of people say that such events were on the up rise, I ignored them as typical gossip... until I got that wedding card.

Asking them why the sudden change in date, (the engagement had happened only a month or so ago, and the wedding wasn't due for another six months or so...) I was *floored* by them being totally honest and describing *this* as a reason!

Then I started wondering, if one gossip is true, then how many more?

Then I start hearing about some *other* people getting married early... and my mind started spinning.

We pretty much stayed away from weddings for quite a while...

Hence my advice to others; If you start hearing gossip about early weddings, STAY THE HELL AWAY.

I mean, why the fuck would you risk a wedding turning into a tragedy simply because of rock-bottom prices of chicken? I still wonder what possessed my neighbours, I mean it was not like they were poor or anything! The father of the groom worked in the Gulf and earned a boatload of money...

Comment there will be a sudden uprise in weddings... (Score 3, Insightful) 76

I know you are going WTF? at my header but read on...

Some years ago there was a large scale out break of Bird Flu in my country. Naturally the government called for a massive cull...

And while most (all normal people?) avoided all chicken and eggs, *some* people decided to take advantage of the sudden plummet in chicken prices.

I shit you not, when I heard that a family in the neighbourhood sped up their son's wedding date significantly to take advantage of all that cheap, cheap chicken...

Oh sure, apparently if you cook the chicken thoroughly the chances of catching the virus a minimum, but still... we decide to give that invitation a pass...

So my dear Bangladeshi friends, take it from a fellow South Asian: If you get a sudden invite to a party or wedding, give it a pass...

Comment Re:Three Manhwa's (Score 1) 321

How could you possibly forget Tower of God, man? Or Trace?

Those Manhwa are AWESOME.

For all of you who are wondering WTF we are talking about, (Manhwa)Korean Webtoon is the new and upcoming thing, It's supposed to be the answer to Japanese Manga, but with a different format, and without all the "tentacle porn" baggage that all manga sadly carry, even if they are squeaky clean.

Go to Batoto.com and give them a try. (or korean websites like Naver and Daum, if you like the original Korean)

Comment You know, you are right (Score 2) 185

I mean the hard was *is* the better way, I mean why use those pesky function keys or use the GUI slider, when you can

echo 7 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness

That's why my Kubuntu 12.10 has prevented the Fn keys or the brightness slider in the power option from *actually* performing any action. It's for our own benefit! The fact the they function in Lubuntu is clearly to our disadvantage, KDE is looking after our long term interest, unlike those pesky LXDE guys.

Vive le Linux!


Sarcasm side, I have nothing against learning bash commands or getting to know the depth of the the system,. I mean, who can argue that sudo apt-get whatever is faster and neater than going into synaptic or muon or whatever... But for humanity's sake, let us learn on *our* pace, don't force it down our throats, check if the god damn GUI works, even if *you* will never use it.

Let them decide, to use an example, if they want to sudo apt-get install && sudo apt-get update or want to click the system update button on the muon popup. See, I am a friggin' accountant, I am not even supposed to understand the word linux and yet here I am discussing some simple commands, but albeit those which I learnt on my *own* pace, I don't appreciate that for simple functions I have bring out the Konsole, and it's not one of those "we don't have the drivers" type excuses, acpi_video0 is a generic folder, not specific to any particular video card or screen (AFAIK), surely they could check to see if the damn slider works?

I am sorry for the rant, it's just that I had to remove an otherwise working Kubuntu install because of this and other minor niggles, let's see if the latest LM has these minor issues fixed...

You know what will be the year of Linux on desktop? When they make a distro that forgets to contain a console, and no one notices...

Comment Re:Cue stupid comments from non-Australians (Score 1) 452

There was actually a very good reason why I posted that; 99% sans citation would have sounded like typical hyperbole, and glossed over; With citation, it really does drive home the point that Australia is *really* FRIGGIN' big. And not just *big* big, it's 95% of the continental US big.

Also, since when were numbers bad on slashdot? :D

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