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Comment Re:Much like MTU handling (Score 1) 312

Indeed something along that line is what I think the Internet protocol needs. While IP is freely packet-switched and may appear stateless when you glance in the specs, TCP/IP routers and hosts are actually session-based internally and the number of concurrent sessions is limited.

It is not only intentionally malicious code that can cause denial of service: legitimate programs that are merely badly designed can also do it.
Then it is not the network and the other services running over it that should be punished by being throttled, but only the individual node or badly behaving program.

Also, what we don't need is something that could restrict innovation in new protocols over TCP/IP. If the Internet infrastructure would allow not much more than only email and HTTP/HTTPS (which some ISPs are doing in some countries), then attackers are just going to find another attack vector .. on top of a TCP/IP that permits it.

Comment Biased summary (Score 4, Informative) 190

These are better than the rubber domes found in membrane keyboards in a number of ways, including feel, responsiveness, and durability

No, that is not technically correct, and is somewhat of an elitist attitude.
Feel is something very subjective. Responsiveness and durability depends on the particular brand and type of switch that you use. There are some very good rubber-dome and scissor switches as well as there are mechanical switches that are crap.

Back in the '80s and early '90s when mechanical key switches was the norm there were more types available. These days, the market is dominated by the Cherry MX. It was one of the better mechanical switches then and now and it comes in several varieties. These varieties can feel quite different from each other, and you might like the feel of one, all or none of them - and that is OK.
The Cherry MX has also been cloned several times by other manufacturers, often in lesser materials and with larger tolerances.
The big durability argument with Cherry MX is not that they wouldn't break: because they sometimes do. The durability advantage is that you could replace individual key switches (or parts) that have broken.


Entrepreneur Injects Bitcoin Wallets Into Hands 77

wiredmikey writes A Dutch entrepreneur has had two microchips containing Bitcoin injected into his hands to help him make contactless payments. The chips, enclosed in a 2mm by 12mm capsule of "biocompatible" glass, were injected using a special syringe and can communicate with devices such as Android smartphones or tablets via NFC. "What's stored on the microchips should be seen as a savings account rather than a current account," Martijn Wismeijer, co-founder of MrBitcoin said. "The payment device remains the smartphone, but you transfer funds from the chips." The chips are available on the Internet, sold with a syringe for $99, but Wismeijer suggested individuals should find a specialist to handle the injection to avoid infections.

Comment Re:Quite the poker player (Score 4, Interesting) 285

Those are silly numbers because they are only measurements of domestic emissions.
Around half of China's carbon emissions are because of productions of goods that are exported to mainly USA and the EU. You could say that while USA and EU are importing from China, they are exporting their emissions to China.
If you take that into account, USA and EU are much worse per capita.

I am in Sweden, which has one of the strongest economies in the EU, having got mostly unscathed out of the recent Euro crisis (Sweden still has its own currency).
Sweden has one of the lowest carbon emissions per capita in the EU, but because the economy is so strong, Swedish citizens are spending more money on imported goods than other EU citizens and are therefore among the worst polluters in the EU if you take trade into account.

Comment Effectless and effortless (Score 1) 285

USA pledges to reduce carbon emissions compared to 2005 levels, when their emissions were the highest ever in history.
USA has already lowered their emissions by half the 2025 goal just from the slowing the economy after the 2008 bank crash.

Meanwhile, Europe has pledged to reduce emissions by 40% by 2030 compared to 1990's levels..
If USA would reduce their emissions to their 1990 levels, then that would be a ~20% reduction from 2005 levels, and 40% from that is still a long way to go.

Sorry, but this US-China deal is hardly any "landmark".

Comment Re:Home storage (Score 1) 488

Luckily, not many Danes move their houses around, so the batteries do not not need to be light and small.
A cheap long-lived lead-acid battery or other type of stationary battery would be more suitable.

There are other types of energy storage technologies also, such as hot water tanks to store heat from summer months to be used in winter.

Comment Error: They did not use LaTeX (Score 1) 170

This could have been avoided if the authors had used LaTeX for writing their paper. It allows for comments in the text that don't become part of the formatted output.

% Should we cite the crappy Gabor paper here?

There are also various LaTeX packages for writing comments, adding annotations and tracking changes that could be useful when peer-reviewing a paper.

Comment Re:No accommodation at all? Just asking. (Score 1) 356

From what I have read in articles, he did get the same food as the other prisoners except with the non-vegan parts removed.
For instance, if the prisoners were given spaghetti with bolognese-sauce, he as given only spaghetti. If the other prisoners were given meatballs and potatoes, he got a potato. That's not exactly a balanced diet.

BTW. Silly that the parent post gets mod'ed "Score:4, Insightful" when it says "Without more details it is hard to judge".
We can do better, guys.

Comment Re:Hey, MS, give them to people who will use them! (Score 1) 236

You can't properly use screen diagonals as a metric for comparing screens with different aspect ratio.

The Surface Pro 3 (12" 3:2) has 7% more surface area than the Galaxy Note Pro (12.2" 16:10). It is more than half an inch higher at about the same width.
The Surface Pro 3 has as much as 30% more surface area than a 16:9 tablet with the same diagonal.


Ebola Nose Spray Vaccine Protects Monkeys 198

First time accepted submitter GeekyKhan writes A new needle-free vaccine has proven to be 100% effective at stopping the transmission of Ebola in monkeys, and it could spell a breakthrough in the battle against the disease. The vaccine is administered through a nasal spray using a common cold virus genetically engineered to carry Ebola DNA. From NBC: "The vaccine uses a common cold virus genetically engineered to carry a tiny piece of Ebola DNA. Sprayed up the nose, it saved all nine monkeys tested for infection. But now the research is dead in the water without funding, Maria Croyle of the University of Texas at Austin’s College of Pharmacy said. 'Now we are at the crossroads, trying to figure out where to get the funding and resources to continue,' Croyle told NBC News."

Comment Re:Haters gonna hate (Score 1) 695

"Clean up"? There is no way for us to "clean up"!

Emissions have to be radically lowered and the biosphere has to be given enough time to handle the carbon in the air. Sure, planting trees at a massive scale could help in the long run, but it would still be far from as effective as if the biggest culprits (the biggest opposers: USA, China, Australia... ) would cut their emissions to what the IPCC considers enough.

Even if we stop all emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases right now, the climate is still going to get worse from all the gases that are already in the atmosphere. By all estimates, we wouldn't be able to see a measurable improvement in the world climate until at least 2030.

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