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Submission + - Osama Bin Laden killed, says US (bbc.co.uk)

An anonymous reader writes: Al-Qaeda founder and leader Osama Bin Laden is dead, according to US officials. The al-Qaeda leader was killed in a mansion outside Islamabad in an operation based on actionable US intelligence, CNN reported. President Barack Obama is due to make a statement shortly.

Comment Re:Bad idea. (Score 1) 118

What they REALLY need is an intelligent distributed proxy system at every call tower where hits are tallied by region/state/nation, in that order, & pre-distributed accordingly-- pushing it to every device is just fucking retarded.

Hmm a geographically distributed caches of content according to what is most heavily being requested. What do they called that again..... a CDN!!! *sigh*

Comment Re:Guilty much? (Score 1) 685

I think the point the GP was making was that, yes the US military can instantly and overwhelmingly wipe out any civil resistance. However that is entirely dependent on said soldiers of the US military actually following those orders. If there was a civil insurrection, there is a real possibility that soldiers would simply refuse to open fire on civilians and also possible that they would simply join them. In that case you have a full scale civil war. All it would take would be one freedom loving pilot to go rambo with a Hornet bomber to take out DC.

Comment Re:Peter jackson... (Score 1) 222

I was always under the impression that the hobbits were not so easily corrupted by the ring, because their race had never wielded rings of power nor had any made for them, unlike the elves, dwarves and men. I guess the smoking also help, because it indicates a lifestyle that's about enjoying life, not accumulating power of some kind (power over nature, metal or other beings).

Comment Re:Carte blanche (Score 3, Informative) 376

First you have to pay someone to divert from their usual tasks to do this, or given the volume, you would need to hire a brand new person to do the lookups, possible more. 2nd the manager or some person delegated by said manager would have to sign off on them, as well as have the legal dept. sign as well. Even if its a total rubber stamp, it will still take people's time, which equals money.

Comment Re:Yeah (Score 2) 186

We already have the solution to overpopulation, it just will take the next 50 years. It's education mixed with birth control. Simple as that. For proof, look at the birth rates of most Western, developed nations (USA, Japan, Korea, Western Europe). Their birth rates are hovering at replacement rate, and Japan IIRC is below the replacement rate. Simply put, those countries populations are at the tipping edge between growing and shrinking and most are headed towards shrinking. The only question is whether it will be enough to compensate for growing energy appetite of growing middle classes worldwide.

Comment DDoS Possible? (Score 2, Interesting) 294

Wouldn't this be asking for a DDoS? Couldn't one purposely put an app up that went about and blew every single one of these "eFuses", thus forcing a reset of the phone? Sounds like a easy path to take out phones and play some havoc. Not to mention if somehow an app accidentally tripped one too many of these. Hell I could see a scam going that nuked phones this way, then offered to "repair" them, for some extortionate fee.

Submission + - Warner Bro. Accused of Pirating Anti-Pirating Tech (escapistmagazine.com) 1

psycho12345 writes: German firm Medien Patent Verwaltung claims that in 2003, it revealed a new kind of anti-piracy technology to Warner Bros. that marks films with specific codes so pirated copies can be traced back to their theaters of origin. But like a great, hilariously-ironic DRM Ouroborus, the company claims that Warner began using the system throughout Europe in 2004 but hasn't actually paid a dime for it.

Comment This is a joke right? (Score 1) 381

Customers using the fastest connections of five-megabits per second, for example, will have a monthly allotment of 60 gigabytes, beyond which Bell will charge $1.12 per GB to a maximum of $22.50.

Haha.... this is a joke. In said example, a person would blow past that "allotment" just maxing their connection for a little over a day. To hit the money cap takes only another 20 gigs, so less the 10 hours at max speed. They should of just said "We get to legally jack up prices another $22.50/month on top of our monopolistic prices"

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