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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 1 accepted (5 total, 20.00% accepted)


Submission + - Polish computer genius, Jacek Karpiski dies at 82

Forty Two Tenfold writes:

One of the greatest achievements of Polish science was the K-202 minicomputer. The device was designed by Karpinski in the years 1970-73. K-202 surpassed nearly 100-fold contemporary computers, worked at a rate of 1 million operations per second, or faster than personal computers marketed a decade later. Minicomputer was equipped with a permanent memory, as well as operational, which could be extended. K-202 was the most advanced equipment in those days, his only match the American and New Super Modular One from England. Unfortunately, despite the formation of the Anglo-Polish company which deal with production equipment, was founded only 30 copies of K-202.

Original in Polish.

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