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Comment Re:And so this is Costco's fault? (Score 1) 440

Well fortunately (or unfortunately?) I don't think I have to worry about this because while I do try to reduce the amount of excess sodium I consume I still do consume enough processed foodstuffs to ensure a lack of salt won't be problem.

For example, even if I use peanuts-only peanut butter on my toasted English muffins those muffins plus the butter or margarine I also use end up providing me with at least 33% of my recommended daily sodium intake. And at three meals a day at that target rate (33%) each I'll be lucky to keep it under 100% but I'm pretty sure it goes over that more often than not.

Which is another reason I consciously attempt to cut it out wherever I can: if I didn't I'd be going over 100% every single day and by quite a bit, I'm sure. For example just think about those same English muffins with crappy salt-added peanut butter that alone would probably push me up to 38-40% just for that meal alone!!

Comment Re:And so this is Costco's fault? (Score 2) 440

Oh no - it's a scam all right. Consistently using salt stimulates your sense of taste so that if you don't use salt the taste is bland. If you stopped using salt you would be able to taste the unsalted food again after your sensitivity level returned. I have proved this to myself time and again with the first such experience being the move to peanut-only peanut butter. At first because I was expecting the doped-up tripe that serves for commercial peanut butter I didn't much like the peanuts-only peanut butter. However i hate to waste anything and forced myself to finish the container. By the time I was finished with it not only did I find I was enjoying it but I knew I'd never buy any other kind of peanut butter ever again (and I haven't!).

It's all about what you're used to and processed food manufacturers like to make us 'used to' large amounts of salts, sugars, and fats. That's because salts, sugars, and fats are cheaper than nutritious and quality ingredients and make you salivate for them more.

So yes. It's a scam

Comment Re:Unequal Wealth Distribution .... (Score 1) 401

Then why do the more socialist countries have a lower gini coefficient (i.e; lower income inequality) than the united states?

Sort by Gini coefficient in these tables to see where the U.S. sits in the list of countries:

Socialist Canada which has socialist health care has significantly less income inequality than the U.S. for example.

So I'm not buying into your Randian explanation. It doesn't fit the facts.

Comment Re:All eggs in the same basket (Score 1) 401

The second law of thermodynamics tells us that although you may be able to run long and hard for some time in the end there will be an end to it all. From that perspective I'm not really sure it's going to make any difference whether homo-sapiens (or their descendents) die off before our sun or not.

Oh - I know that your genetic programming CONvinces you that there's always 'hope' and that 'we're just so great' but let's not forget it's a blind maniacal force driving forward with no wisdom or intelligence behind it whatsoever so of course it will be irrational.

"In the face of all odds" is cute and romantic and all that fuzzy shit but when the heat death of the universe is considered to be more of a sure thing than gravity it's trite and quite useless, really.

Comment Re:Article is Short Sighted (Score 1) 401

I find the 'big government bad' argument doesn't stand up to the fact that you have countries with even bigger (per capita) and more pervasive governments where inequality is less profound thant in the U.S.

I personally think that it's not the size that matters so much as what you do with it that makes or breaks the people.

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