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Submission + - HTTPS encryption is too little too late (

DeFender1031 writes: So it's time to pay the bills. You go to your bank's website to transfer some money, you log in, and your account information is completely secure because the bank's servers establish an HTTPS connection with your browser, right? WRONG! This article describes in plain english how a man-in-the-middle can be performed prior to an HTTPS handshake, neutralizing any security precautions that might have been in place. The attack described here can be extended to any protocol where the server specifies whether to use a secure or insecure mode.
The Internet

Submission + - Is HTTPTorrent the next-gen for web browsing? ( 2

DeFender1031 writes: We're all aware of BitTorrent and how it works. This proposal suggests that some of the concepts of BitTorrent can be applied to run-of-the-mill web browsing to lighten server load and distribute downloads to browsers which have already cached the same site. While it's not an official RFC, the idea certainly has promise, and if implemented, could help speed up download times, but more importantly, it could help small (or even large) websites save bandwidth, and as we all know, bandwidth is money.

Comment A good point (Score 2, Funny) 1

I had actually been been noticing recently the INadequacies of so-called "adequate" free software. Little things mostly, programs lacking certain features that their nonfree alternatives have, things of that nature, but it's really the little things much more than the big things that will draw users into the market and keep them there. It is as plain as day that merely "adequate" is by no means good enough to attract the average Joes and Janes out there en masse, we need software that is as good as or BETTER than the non-free competition. I especially liked the concerns about the games market, there really is no contest. When it comes to games, linux outright sucks, as said, due to the poor quality of sound and video. As for X... A wise man once said "XWindows is the defacto substandard". We need a replacement for decades-old shoddy software, we need to get our heads on straight and do things right, but most of all, we need to stop denying that Linux has these issues and address them head-on. Linux, and the free software community in general, have to be proactive in developing tools for the average user, rather than reactive in combating nonfree software. There's no reason a bunch of basement-nerds and 10 pounds of beard with a man attached can't develop a better product than a bunch of sissy, cubicle men and their high-paying jobs... We basement-nerds are the better programmers and we know it! Let's take back what's rightfully ours.
Operating Systems

Submission + - Will Linux ever be ready for the desktop? ( 1

Anonymous Coward writes: "Repeatedly, articles are written trying to enumerate why Linux is not yet ready for the desktop. This article however takes a different approach, explaining that Linux will never be ready until certain flaws are accepted as existing, and work is done to eliminate them. Interestingly, the article is separated into both business and home user adoption, and explains the different needs by each computing segment, showing that Linux is nowhere close to meeting the requirements necessary to become a desktop operating system."

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