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Comment Re:It still has a long way ahead (Score 1) 126

You sir, are full of it; first of all shadows/HDR issues (if there are any, this could just be stylised) have absolutely zero to do with Blender itself but with the renderer they were using. Second of all Blender being hard to use is a detestable myth and even between the people that think that way it's still universally accepted that once you learn the workflow Blender is one the most efficient and fast, if not the fastest, programs on the market to work with.

Colour me unimpressed by your erroneous arguments.

Submission + - Kim Jong-il Is Dead (

An anonymous reader writes: Kim Jong-il is dead. But what comes next is a mystery. After all, Western media has previously relied on a former sushi chef for information on the presumed successor, Kim Jong-un.

Comment Get the hell off this planet (Score -1, Offtopic) 272

Any species that has gained intelligence should be striving to get off the rock they're on and off into space as fast as possible, all our eggs are in one basket right now. You don't know what's going to happen, a meteor, a world-wide disaster, world war 3, invading aliens, super viruses, there's a huge amount of things that could wipe us out at any given moment.

The longer we stay in one place the more chances there are we won't live long enough to get into space at all.

Comment Re:Ugh (Score 1) 280

And the team used Valve's Half-Life universe to expand in. Are you suggesting Valve steal their idea and do it themselves instead of adding people that can come up with good ideas to their team? It's not about Narbacular Drop, it's about the people that made it.

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