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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 0 accepted (5 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Wine 1.0 is out (winehq.org)

ketilwaa writes: "After so many years in development and 5 release candidates, Wine finally hit version 1.0. Even though no revolution is expected, it's still cool to have it finally hit that big one point zero"

Submission + - Beryl/Compiz naming poll (wordpress.com)

ketilwaa writes: "Beryl/Compiz agreed on a merge some time ago. There is still a lot of tension on this subject, as one can see from the mailing list. [http://www.ubaight.com/pipermail/compcomm/] There is currently a poll going on, deciding the name for the new project: [http://www.opencompositing.org/viewtopic.php?f=46 &t=559] Browsing the forums reveal that some users (including the person who submit to /.) are not really happy with the state of affairs. Is the lack of official response hurting the merge? Is it hurting OSS altogether? How did other projects handle such problems?"

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