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Comment Re:The diet is unimportant... (Score 1) 588

He was also young and a world class athlete. Telling people to be like Phelps isn't very helpful. From my experience, solving weight issues is easier through diet than exercise. Food, mostly high fat and high sugar food, is everywhere. We live in a world of super overabundance, and it's hard for many people to turn down cupcakes and brownies at every turn. If you looked up the calories for all those things you've been eating, you'd know you can't just work off an extra 2 or 3 thousand calories each and every day. Learn to say no to things you know are bad for you. You still need to be active, but you don't need to be an Olympian athlete.

Comment Re:But snooped on with what? (Score 1) 96

The gyroscopes and accelerometers are two different things. The gryoscope measures tilt of the device, like when you play a racing game. The accelerometer measures change in velocity, like when you shake the phone to shuffle a playlist. Two different sensors.

And no, the gyroscope in your phone does not spin; it is solid state.

Comment Re:Similarities seem kind of tenuous (Score 4, Informative) 74

I suppose that's why they say this then:

...Saleh and co do not claim that this kind of algorithm can take the place of an art historian. After all, the discovery of a link between paintings in this way is just the starting point for further research about an artist’s life and work.

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