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Comment Re:Potential issues, regarding memory/cpu usage (Score 1) 50

Real embedded systems engineers talk about you behind your back if you waste a couple of KB. They will laugh at your face if you waste a couple of MB.

And real embedded systems engineers will not be using this board. So they are quite possibly laughing even more at the tit who can't tell a Micro controller from a computer.

Comment Re:Would *I* use it? (Score 0) 402

Quit being such a fanboy, my keyboard and I will run loops around whatever "work" it is you're doing on your "toy".

I have to disagree there. First time the coffee slops out of the cups, it will get into the spaces between the keys. An iPad is obviously superior as it can just wipe clean.

Comment Re:Why Apple is good (Score 1) 715

Growing up in the 80's, almost everyone I knew that had a computer, had a C64. One friend had a TRS-80, and one other had a TI-99. The only place I ever saw an Apple II as a kid was in the classroom. It was archaic looking compared to the Commodore at the time.

I had a ZX81, and later a Spectrum. A friend had a Vic 20 for a while. My brother in law had a BBC right up to the early 90s. When he got an Apricot, and later a succession of PCs.

Another friend's dad had an Apple for business use. Not sure which one. And that was the first Apple I ever saw. Around 1982-3..
Fast forward a few years to 1989, and I played around with a Mac at a training site, where there was one Mac for playing with, and the PCs for serious work. Someone donated it I think.

I have yet to see my third Apple computer outside a shop.

Comment Re:In principle, yes. (Score 1) 427

Schools won't allow kids to programme with languages that can, potentially, harm systems and networks.
In that respect, it may be worth teaching kids VB for Office (although it's still possible to write to the HDD and open sockets iirc), since most kids are almost guaranteed to be exposed to office at some point in their career, especially if they choose a desk job it might prove useful to those who don't really want to programme for a living.

Which is one more reason why the Raspberry Pi boards are such a good idea. And if not that one in particular, something similar.
Hardware self contained.. Check.
IT support.. Not needed.
Network access.. Zero.
Access to the same environment at home..Check. Take it out of your bag and plug it into the TV. Done.
Problem solved. And it's cheap. It runs free software, so no big expensive per seat licensing. And is essentially a breakable cheap programming platform. Under £20 to replace is hardly the end of the world if little Johnny loses it.

Since any languages taught would have to be vetted for system safety, besides locking them into MS Office (which is a seriously chilling idea to any programmer), I can only think of Javascript as the perfect language to teach kids. For all its faults, atleast people actually use Javascript to make things.

Python, C Java, XML HTML, In other words.. Pretty much anything that will run on Linux. IDE or text editor..Your choice. All free.

And how exactly is MS Office a contained safe environment? Didn't Office have a whole lot of macro viruses a few years ago?

Add the recent move to stop teaching office,and start teaching computer literacy by UK schools, and the pieces are falling into place quite nicely.

This is going to happen. Despite the imaginary problems and over inflated issues.
It doesn't require a 100% success rate, any more than English is expected to turn out 100% authors and poets. .
It doesn't need to turn out industry ready programmers, any more than a biology A level is going to be any use to someone applying to join a medical practice.

And as no exam is sat at the end, the teacher can concentrate on teaching instead of passing exams.

Comment Re:Sticking is the problem (Score 1) 220

Therefore I doubt people will *pay* for beta music services.

But why not? DRM free, because who is going to bother with DRM these days. Linked into Android, Chrome, other assorted things. Why would people not buy the music?

Why not use Amazon to download music as an alternative to iTunes. It works on many apps and has cloud storage.

Well personally, the one time I used it.. Which was on the UK launch day..
1) Required a special music manager to be downloaded. Which I didn't like.
2) Only offered mid range MP3 quality. All my music is either FLAC or 320k MP3.
3) One shot downloads. So if anything happens to the music, tough shit.

Which is why I use 7Digital.
1) No application, just download a zip file with the album.
2) 320k MP3 files.
3) Download as many times as I like, because the purchase is tied to my account for as long as it is active.

Spotify is well advanced and I can play it anywhere, but there catalog is also not as complete as iTunes I suppose. My far by favorite. I sold Pandora stock once I reliazed how far superior Spotify is.

No service will ever be 100% complete. Because there is no global central clearing house for music where each one has full access. Go outside any country for music, and you run into problems with global distribution.

As streaming services become more established, they will get more content, because holding back from a sales opportunity is pretty stupid. Right now, they are a new scary thing for the music industry to contend with.

Comment Re:Battery problem? (Score 1) 315

Are you really arguing with Apple about a problem they found on one of their own products? How come?

It's the fanboy equivalent of divide by zero. The knee jerk reaction to blame improper use or "haters" is so incredibly strong that they perform an act that would otherwise be heresy. Disagreeing with the church.

Comment Re:Streisand Effect (Score 1) 943

So, everyone is arguing about somone not wanting to release their property?

No.. Few, if any are arguing.. We are mostly laughing at someone who would no doubt have triumphantly spammed everywhere with the "proof evolution is a crock" debate had he won, but is refusing to publish it because he lost. And happens to share the views of the university that hosted the debate.

One of the true signs of a flawed argument is the reluctance to accept non cherry picked information.

Comment Re:How can they even know? (Score 1) 226

From what I understand about how easily patents on extremely general ideas on technology, how can anyone know what design is going to infringe on a patent? I don't see how anyone can write a design specification with one of the ground rules being to not infringe on a specific company's patent.

Which is generally the point every anti patent proliferation supporter has been arguing.

How can you know how a given patent will be interpreted by a court?

Take it to court.

Comment Re:I'd believe it... (Score 4, Informative) 337

It's always been a mystery to me why I can eat and enjoy something so toxic that I have to wear rubber gloves to prepare them.

Mystery solved.
The chemical that causes the heat sensation also triggers endorphins. So pleasure is experienced.

Toxic?.. Not sure about that. Irritant definitely. The juice on your fingers can lead to unpleasant side effects, depending where you touch.. But hardly deadly, unless you are eating some kind of concentrated industrial strength chilli. And realistically.. The super hot chills are not really intended for direct human consumption.

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