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Comment Re:NSA (Score 2) 71

AK Marc wrote, "Skype was never P2P ... "

Wikipedia tells us:
Skype uses a proprietary Internet telephony (VoIP) network called the Skype protocol. The protocol has not been made publicly available by Skype and official applications using the protocol are closed-source. Part of the Skype technology relies on the Global Index P2P protocol belonging to the Joltid Ltd. corporation. The main difference between Skype and standard VoIP clients is that Skype operates on a peer-to-peer model (originally based on the Kazaa software[83]), rather than the more usual clientâ"server model (note that the very popular SIP model of VoIP is also peer-to-peer, but implementation generally requires registration with a server, as does Skype).

Stop making things up.

Comment Only 118,746 ... (Score 2) 87

... to go.

The USA had 118,756 filling stations (gas stations) in 2007 according to the Census

Not quite ready for prime time.
Drivers will likely have to take a slight detour to reach the station, which is in an industrial section of West Sacramento, next to a cement factory that is currently being demolished.

The station was originally planned at a Shell station 2.5 miles away in a much busier section of town, but building codes required setbacks too wide to fit the hydrogen infrastructure within the station.

Comment The only real defense ... (Score 1) 190

Mao Zedong opined that "the only real defense is active defense", meaning defense for the purpose of counter-attacking and taking the offensive. Often success rests on destroying the enemy's ability to attack. This principle is paralleled in the writings of Machiavelli and Sun Tzu.

Comment What me worry? (Score 3, Interesting) 178

From the LA times about earthquake insurance ...

Rethinking Your Stance on Earthquake Coverage
Californians have a well-deserved reputation for being in denial. We build our homes on flood plains, on brushy mountainsides, in the path of mudslides and on or near earthquake faults. Most of the time, most of us avoid catastrophe. But we should acknowledge that someday our luck could run out--and consider whether it's worth taking precautions to protect against the unthinkable.

Comment Re:Panic! (Score 1) 325

Do you have a reference for this?

All the bird related large aircraft (includes jet fighters) bird related crashes have been the result of flying into a flock of birds -- enough to clog the engine intake and cause the engine(s) to flame out.

Comment No bigger than ... (Score 4, Insightful) 325

... a bird. And airplanes hit birds on approach almost every day. Certainly every week.


UAVs (sometimes called "drones") shouldn't be operating around airports but the likelihood of one downing a transport category aircraft is just about zero.

Comment Re:Sensors can't monitor climate change (Score 0) 116

That's sort of like saying you can't measure the area of a room using a tape measure

That's exactly like saying you can't measure the area of a room using a tape measure. And it's true, as you acknowledge.

Why do you object to writing with clarity and precision? Why do you resort to insults?

Comment Error (Score 2) 76

The post says, " ... the latest research estimates that U.S. mobile payments, currently at $3.7 billion, will grow to $142 billion within five years."

The Forrester research piece linked says, in fact ...
Over the next five years, US mobile payments will grow from $52 billion in 2014 to $142 billion by 2019 with both national brands and local merchants.

Comment And the price is ... (Score 1) 216

A speed of 800Gbps would equate to downloading 33 HD films â" in a single second.

I've never seen a $10,000 phone bill.

Separately but related, how much will the existing cell providers need to invest to upgrade their systems to 5G?

Also separately but related, will this make wired internet and cable (copper or fiber) obsolete?

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