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Comment Re:Who would have thought (Score 1) 194

The thing that bugs me the most is when the driver in front of me stops at the yield before the roundabout because someone is approaching (not in) the roundabout from the left or just got in the roundabout from the right. The whole point is that you can get on the roundabout AND the person to the left can get on the roundabout at the same time. It's not a one car at a time thing.

Comment Re:Obviously. (Score 1) 291

Isn't the entire point of this article, and nutrition research in general, that we don't have a clue what constitutes "a well balanced diet". It's all very cute and snarky to say "eat right and exercise" but when the topic is "What does it mean to eat right?" it isn't a very useful response.

Comment Re:Gibbs Free Energy (Score 1) 211

The point that confuses me is: the energy on the outside lens surface can't light a fire, but the energy produced by the glass can. What work was done on the outside energy? It was redirected inside the lens, but how is that work? Doesn't work in thermodynamics reduce to the lifting of a mass in a gravitational field? How is the lens doing any work, in that sense?

There is (approximately) the same amount of energy on both sides of the lens (presumably a small loss into the lens itself). If you measure that energy directly off of the lens on both sides there won't be much difference (you can touch both sides of the lens without getting burnt), but because the direction of the energy has changed, the density of the energy at the focal point is higher than at the lens. So, there is more energy per square mm at the focal point, and presumably less energy per square mm in the area around the focused light than in the ambient area unaffected by the lens shadow (I wonder if that is measurable).

Comment Re:Bikes lanes are nice (Score 1) 213

Walkers can stop instantly, Cyclists take a bit longer. In addition, there is a much longer time window for the car and pedestrian to see and avoid each other at a driveway than there is for a car and a cyclist.

Cyclists are, generally, safer on the road than on sidewalks. Drivers see and stop for road traffic, not for sidewalks. By being in the road, a cyclist is where the drivers are looking. In addition, sidewalks have many more crossing intersections than roads do. Every driveway crosses the sidewalk, but none of them cross the road.

It should also be noted that in many places bicycles are forbidden from being ridden on the sidewalks.

The truly important thing is for everyone to follow the rules. Cyclists on the road must stop at stop signs, not pass on the shoulder, signal turns and stops, etc. And the cars around them should treat them respectfully, move over to pass, don't pass and turn, don't honk, etc. Cyclists on the sidewalk are pedestrians and should act as such, ride more slowly, cross in crosswalks, wait for cross signals and traffic, etc. Additionally, cyclists transition from sidewalk to road (pedestrian to vehicle) should do so safely and should not do so for convenience (don't pop up on the sidewalk to avoid traffic and then pop back onto the road).


Comment Re:Please stop spreading such drivel (Score 1) 588

The healthiest diet is what your body needs, and what your body needs depends on your individual body chemistry, your environment, your lifestyle, and probably a half a dozen other factors.

You seem to be implying that we can never know anything about diet because each specific case differs from the general case. That seems to be a fairly pessimistic attitude regarding the ability of experimental science to tease out commonalities and processes in human biology.

Comment Re:Personal mistakes vs. governmental ones (Score 1) 588

it also leaves millions directly controlled by the government — such as pupils in government schools [] — without choices at all.
and parents, rather than the Federal government, be allowed to control the children's nutrition

You realize that the existence of school lunch standards does not preclude the parent from packing a lunch for their children, right? The school lunch program is not shoving food down the kids' throats. If you want your kid to have whole fat, white milk, then pack it for them.

I do agree that the standards are wrong in places, maybe in lots of places, but the existence of those standards doesn't take away parental choice and responsibility.

Comment Re:so adjust the rules (Score 1) 643

That should give officers incentive to ensure their cameras are in working order.

And encourage miscreants to find ways to remotely disable the camera.

I actually agree with your statement, missing camera footage should be treated as destroyed evidence (which, as I understand it, is treated as if it would support the other side). But there is potential for abuse on the other side, also.

Comment Re:Also, this is silly: (Score 1) 299

And as in real life, the only way to deal with those people is to physically remove them from the conversation. That is, have a moderator whose job it is to delete the posts and evict the poster, even if it is a throwaway account.

Threading helps, too. It is a huge pain to try to follow a conversation on an unthreaded comment system.

Comment Re:"Just let me build a bridge!" (Score 2) 372

We need thinkers who can define requirements precisely, designers who can describe processes to produce those results, and then turn the design (UML. Warnier-Orr, Flowchart, etc.) over to a generator

We already do this, that generator is called a compiler. By the time you have specified a design to the same detail as an engineer specifies a bridge you have already written all the code. Engineers specify a design down to every individual bolt. Software specifications do not design down the individual line of code. This is the difference between engineering and programming: in engineering when a design is completed then the object still has to be built, in programming when the design is completed then the program is done.

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