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Comment Re:No win situation (Score 2) 187

So, if they aren't passing the information on to a third party, just WTF are they doing with it?

I'm sorry, but what are they planning to do if their analysis suggests little Timmy is a bit depressed? Is a random post on his timeline from some stranger asking if he needs a hug really going to change anything for him? Or is FB just going to increase the rate of advertising and only show him ads for the Suicide Prevention Hotline?

/I'd bet his local gun shop would pay better for that ad space.

Comment Re:Please tell me this is satire (Score 1) 320

Hey, having an ornamental monarchy is actually a pretty cool thing. It's not like they are a huge cost on the budget, and they more than make up for it in the tourism they generate.

Be very careful getting rid of them, because once they are gone, re-establishing them is incredibly difficult.

Comment Re:You are free to have killer robots (Score 1) 318

I think moving to killer bots would be a great idea.

The only reason the US government can maintain its pro-war stance is the idolization of the military, both men and machines, and the romanticization of war. It's very hard to make machines killing machines romantic or heroic. Event Battle Bots had to make the show as much about the builders/drivers as the competition.

Take away the romance and "heros" and all you've got left is pure patriotism and bigoted hatred. Those can take you a long way, but eventually people start noticing the cost, that today is justified with "we must keep our brave boys and girls properly supplied".

Comment Re:Ha! (Score 0) 127

So, I'm confused...

You're saying the Ruble and Hryvnia, because they have fluctuated wildly like bitcoin have been known to do, are not real currencies?

Or are you saying that because real currencies can also fluctuate wildly, bitcoin is a real currency?

Comment Re:Are they showing ads on the page? (Score 1) 645

Are they showing ads on the page?

If so, then yes. Selling advertising is the ONLY remaining legitimate use for what passes as journalism in today's media.

Sex, Violence, and Religion sell, to the most titillating, gory, or enraging/enrapturing limit society will accept at the time. So, in the interest of ad impressions and eyeballs, whatever you can broadcast that generates publicity and traffic is the definition of the journalists doing their job.

Don't like it? Then get us a better society, or a better species.

Comment Re:kinda illegal already, by a rule referring to a (Score 1) 165

No, this is them annoying some of their customers (people who want to fly illegally in the DC no-fly zone) in an attempt to preempt knee-jerk over compensating by federal authorities. The feds would rather just ban the devices entirely, period.

The Feds will do so anyways, so I don't see why the manufacturer is even bothering.

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