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Comment Re:What are these used for? (Score 1) 46

Virtual desktops, scientific computing, big render farms. There's all kinds of things, they're not really for home users though. I mean, you could buy one but you're unlikely to be able to use it effectively. This is targeted at a market and computation scale that's much much larger than most people work with. People who buy these don't buy one at a time, they buy them by the dozens.

Comment Re:What are these used for? (Score 3, Interesting) 46

Not necessarily, in scientific computing cards like this are important. The biggest problem with GPU computing in general is the time it takes to copy from main memory to GPU memory and back. It really makes GPU difficult to work with and generally the gains in parallelization don't really pay off considering the amount of time it takes to make those memory copies. Being able to load more into memory and have it stay there is a big deal.

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