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Comment Re:LibreOffice/OpenOffice still kind of suck (Score 1) 579

The basic office-type products for Linux still kind of suck. I've been using them since the StarOffice/SunOffice days, and now use LibreOffice

My personal experience is quite contrary. Both at home and on the job (although most of the time it wasn't on Linux), I've been using the OpenOffice/LibreOffice line of products since StarWriter 3.0, which was the predecessor of StarOffice, long before Sun bought the Hamburg, Germany, based software company Star Division GmbH, and back then already I liked it much better than MS Word because of its better usability, its much more straight-forward and logical handling and its much more logical and sophisticated styles and style sheets concept. While the package lost a lot in the transition from StarOffice 5.2 to OpenOffice 1.0, I still like it much more than every Microsoft Office incarnation, the latest of which I find to be the worst in usability I've ever seen in any office suite. Unfortunately, for some parts of my work I have to use MS Office, and I'm quite sure I won't get used to it until I die.

Comment Re:Complaints? About what? (Score 1) 579

An explicit naming of complaints seems to be hard to impossible to find, but there indeed were complaints coming from all departments. On the other hand, there are always complaints, and there would have been complaints if everything ran on Windows, too. What's happening now is that a few of the people currently responsible, who by pure chance happen to be adversaries to the Linux migration from the beginning, want to re-evaluate. Many council members still are in favour of Linux, though, and they could very well still be the majority.

Comment It's even worse (Score 1) 135

You're factually right, of course, except for the religion part. Indeed, it's worse than religion, because you can always free yourself of religion, while on the other side and for the time being, capitalism is the one currently available world operating system, wherein the only thing keeping everything going (including the world itself) is profit – until the world finds another, better operating system.

Comment No, it doesn't. What the "experiment" shows... (Score 1) 619

..., if anything, is that now, UNDER CAPITALISM, a number of people who became socialized under state-socialism were more likely to lie for personal gain than a number of people who became socialized under capitalism. And there are good reasons imaginable for that behaviour which are not suffciently honoured by the featherbrained reduction to "they cheat more".

Comment iGoogle, anyone? (Score 2) 132

Never used Google Reader in the first place. At home, I've always been using a combination of other options to read feeds, mainly a self-written feed gatherer, and at work, where I used the now equally deceased iGoogle, I've simply switched to ighome.com.

Comment You don't say. (Score 1) 304

Guess the percentage of currently existing and valid borders that weren't.

And while the Crimea case may be dubious according to international law, it is utter hypocrisy to insist upon that only when it happens in a part of the former Soviet Union and, this time, serves Russia, while Western countries fell all over themselves when it came to accepting the self-proclaimed status for each and every former Yugoslavian region, ripening it for all the economical exploitation by Western capital which was about to happen.

Comment StarOffice 5.2 (Score 1) 192

If it'd still reliably run on 64-bit systems, my suggestion would be to try and get a copy of StarOffice 5.2, the ancestor. No version of OpenOffice[.org] or LibreOffice has met my demands as well yet. Unfortunately, it doesn't. So what I'm doing today is running StarOffice 5.2 on 32-bit systems, like my netbook, and OpenOffice 3.3 on 64-bit systems, which is the latest of the StarOffice descendants still capable of saving documents in StarOffice 5 compatible format. (StarOffice 5 binary formats are still fully readable with current versions of OpenOffice and LibreOffice, for that matter.)

Comment There really is a trick (Score 1) 73

There is a working trick, and it works because the real eruption needs slightly longer than one microsecond (remember, TFA said it's one microsecond until the first bubble implodes, and one bubble doesn't make an eruption yet): as fast as you can, grab the bottle, put it to your mouth, and drink! Many years ago, there was a time I was quite good at it... It doesn't even need much training, only a minimum of alertness and quick response. Which, of course, deteriorates with the amount of beer you've already drunk...

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