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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 1 declined, 1 accepted (2 total, 50.00% accepted)


Submission + - HTC Users Claim Underperforming Hardware

Pete writes: Some HTC users have set up a website claiming that HTC devices which use the Qualcomm MSM7200 and MSM7500 chipsets, including the TyTn II (aka AT&T Tilt) and Sprint Touch, are underperforming due to lack of drivers for the ATI Imageon co-processor. They claim that it is not simply sour grapes about their purchases and have cited as evidence a Youtube video showing a TomTom comparison in which the TyTn II appears to perform worse than the much older HTC Magician. While I doubt it, they claim that they will proceed with a class action lawsuit against HTC if the problems are not rectified. The Register and The Inquirer are among those running stories which mention that the group has established a $3000 reward for someone that fixes the issues.

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