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CCC Hackers Break DECT Telephones' Security 116

Sub Zero 992 writes "Heise Security (article in German) is reporting that at this year's Chaos Communications Congress (25C3) researchers in Europe's group have published an article (PDF) showing, using a PC-Card costing only EUR 23, how to eavesdrop on DECT transmissions. There are hundreds of millions of terminals, ranging from telephones, to electronic payment terminals, to door openers, using the DECT standard." So far, the Heise article's German only, but I suspect will show up soon in English translation. Update: 12/30 21:27 GMT by T : Reader Juha-Matti Laurio writes with the story in English. Thanks!

Comment Only One (Score 4, Insightful) 377

Karl Rove. Come on, give the guy some credit.

The guy ran oppo for the Republican party. They guy know who to talk to, and how to get information. He has is own databases of personal information on people - check his website and his own polling data.

He is fully capable of doing his own leg work with his own resources.

If *I* know what I would need to do to get the info needed to manipulate only one guy, Karl Rove better know, or the Republican party is overpaying him!

Comment Assumptions. (Score 4, Insightful) 377

One man having an accident, or several, perhaps dozens of people conspiring to fake said accident?

False dichotomy.

What is it with people and the assumption that sabotage requires an elaborate chess game complete with blueprints, secret agents, wiretapping, and van full of CIA listening equipment?

It takes one man with a fucking match to burn down a house.

It takes only one mechanic with a desperate need to pay his family's medical bills to snip an important wire.

Comment Power Law? (Score 0) 397

FYI: Power laws means square of the distance

60W at 2m > ? at 5m.

Well, 5/2 = 2.5 distance

60*2.5*2.5 = 375

So 375W at 5m is what the article should *really* be comparing the new system to. A two-fold increase isn't as exciting at a ten-fold, though, is it?

Comment Silver Lining (Score 3, Insightful) 29

Looking back, one thing that scientists wish they had is the imaging technology of the 90's...or even now.....back when they first launched Voyager in the 70's. Heck, computers too.

Now I'm NOT playing the "what if" game, but it helps keep our chins up when things look down.

They now have 2 years to make it better, faster, more efficient, etc.

Except cheaper. Too late lol.


Submission + - Mapping Software (

Prysorra writes: Ever wondered how Rand McNally draws those nice and neat road maps? Well I just found a site where a guy painstakingly made his own amazing, fictional, road maps. Can the Slashdot horde put it's collective mind together and find some sort of program to do that? There has got to be something — I want to make my own, but using MS Paint is just mind numbing!
The Internet

Virtual Earth Exposes Nuclear Sub's Secret 355

NewsCloud alerts us to a story a few months old that has been getting a lot of play recently. A Seattle blogger, Dan Twohig, was browsing in Microsoft's Virtual Earth when he accidentally came across a photo of a nuclear sub in dry-dock. Its propeller is clearly visible — this was a major no-no on the part of someone at the Bangor Sub Base. The designs of such stealth propellers have been secret for decades. Twohig blogged about the find and linked to the Virtual Earth photo on July 2. The debate about security vs. Net-accessible aerial photography has been building ever since. The story was picked up on on Aug. 17 — poetic justice for the Chinese sub photo that had embarrassed them a month before. On Aug. 20 the Navy Times published the article that most mainstream media have picked up in their more recent coverage. Twohig's blog is the best source to follow the ongoing debate. No one has asked Microsoft, Google, or anyone else to blur the photo in question. Kind of late now.

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