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Comment Set Out of Office (Score 0) 238

I showed a few people at work this, maybe others don't know about it either. You can set and change your out of office message:

Messages > Options > Email Settings

In there, (besides being able to edit your signature) the bottom option should show "Use out of office reply" change that to yes and edit as desired.

Comment Depends on Priorities (Score 0) 616

As many have already commented, I too paid for my college education and worked through school. I knew in high school I was paying for it in full without help from my parents, so I planned accordingly. I worked about 40 hours/week throughout high school and college. My priorities were to pay for school as I was going AND save money. Most of my friends' priorities were to go away to school, have a good time away from the parents and get an education. I opted to go to a state school close enough that it was an hour train ride away.

Long story short, I graduated with more money than I started with and I own a small condominium, while most of my friends are still at their parents' or renting.

Submission + - Spam filtering for small/medium sized business? 2

or_is_it writes: The company I work for has been growing dramatically and I've been charged with the task of being the gatekeeper for our GFI Spam filters. This involves manually inspecting the subject line/to/from for all caught messages in each filter rule folder. For a company of about 50 people, in one day the number of Spam messages can easily exceed 2,000. Neglect it for a day and you end up with quite a task on your hands. I've made the rules lax enough so important messages can go through, along with a few stray Spams, for which I get bitched at. Tighten the rules up and then an important time-sensitive email never gets to its intended target and I get bitched at. Manually reading through all those subject lines is supposed to prevent that but I'm only human and genuine messages and easily get overlooked. How do larger organizations deal with Spam issues? I can't imagine having one centralized person manually inspecting everyone's Junk mail header is the optimal solution. I'm not afraid of purchasing a different commercial mail filter product, but I'd like to hear some anecdotal evidence before jumping ship.

Submission + - SPAM: Three Energy Systems of the Body

rinkjustice writes: "Did you know the human body has three separate mechanisms for creating energy, depending on the intensity and duration of the activity? I call them 'Immediate Response', 'Fight' and 'Flight', and it's the protocol by which your body expends energy."
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Submission + - Yahoo's uptime earns that exclamation point!

netbuzz writes: "The Yahoo Search site may have been down for a spell this morning, but the company's main site — — is on quite a roll of uninterrupted uptime: 266 days to be precise. That makes Yahoo the reigning uptime champ among the Internet's 20 most trampled Web sites, according to Pingdom. Google does great, too, but those additions to the Google family — YouTube and Blogger — have had little to brag about in this regard. 2"

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