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Submission + - Scientists working on "sex chip" ( 1

thefickler writes: Imagine being able to turn your sex drive on and off. Scientists are working on just such a possibility. However, one commentator wonders "Can you be too successful?" — apparently a woman who had such a chip implanted, went from lack of interest to a very active sex drive. Her sex drive was increased to the point she decided to have the chip removed.
Data Storage

Submission + - VHS finally dies a death, no really 1

thefickler writes: The last major supplier of VHS videotapes, is ditching the format in favor of DVD, effectively killing the format for good. This uncharitable commentator has this to say:"Will VHS be missed? Not ... with videos being brittle, clunky, and rather user-unfriendly. But they ushered in a new era that was important to get to where we are today. And for that reason, the death of VHS is rather sad. Almost as sad as the people still using it."

Submission + - Are biofuels still economically feasible?

thefickler writes: With falling gas prices, and the end of capitalism as we know it (otherwise known as the credit crisis), the biofuels industry is not looking as viable as it once was. Indeed biofuel production has fallen well short of expectations, with biofuel companies closing down or reducing production capacity. It appears that the industry's only hope is government support.
Data Storage

Submission + - HD DVD vs Blu-ray could be moot point by 2012 (

thefickler writes: By 2012 we could all be saying, "What format war?". In a study released by ABI Research, it seems that by 2012 they predict that the high definition drive market for computers will be a $2 billion dollar industry. The surprising part is that they expect two-thirds of that total market to be dual format drives.

Submission + - US scores dismally in Global Privacy index (

thefickler writes: "America, Land of the Free? Privacy International (PI) disagrees, ranking the US far down the totem pole on its annual privacy protection rankings list. PI's study is certainly sobering; it's clear how the US compares to other countries when it comes to privacy — dismally. Of the 47 countries on the list, only 6 countries come between the US and last place. Malaysia, China and Russia scored lowest with Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore faring scarce better."
The Internet

Submission + - Queen Elizabeth II Goes Digital For Holidays (

thefickler writes: "Every year, Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II addresses the public at 3:00 PM on Christmas Day. It was expected that she would address the public in the usual manner, live and on BBC radio and television. The Queen has other ideas of how to reach the masses, however; thanks to her granddaughters. The monarchy created a channel on YouTube recently called The Royal Channel, and users of YouTube can tune in on Christmas Day to hear the Queen, in a universal format that works for everyone."

Submission + - Windows XP driver support begins to end ( 3

thefickler writes: "It's official, manufacturers are starting to dump Windows XP support entirely and some new models won't even have Windows XP drivers or any kind of support available, anywhere. One reader, "Mark" contacted TECH.BLORGE regarding installing Windows XP on his HP V6610 (Australian) laptop which is the V6620 in the US. "Mark" said when he went to the HP driver/downloads section that very few Windows XP drivers were available for it and he was right, there were almost no useful drivers for the laptop there. His call to HP support didn't get very far as "HP is no longer supporting Windows XP on the newer PCs.""

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