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Comment Hypocrisy. (Score 0, Troll) 503

Hypocrisy is rampant upon the people complaining in here. Especially if they're Americans. Really $100 billion over ten years? That comes out to about what $35 bucks a YEAR for each American? Most Americans spend more on McDonald's each WEEK feeding their rotund meatbags. What's with all the anti-science hate in America? Oh that's right... America is the most religious (read: ignorant) country in the world. Well, besides Turkey.

Comment Re:Again paranoia rules the roost (Score 1) 324

If by insane you mean political. It's an extremely easy thing to demonize, especially in the Western 'Culture of Fear.' That makes it easy to funnel money into whatever the politicos want simply because they claim they're "thinking of the children, and if you don't like it you're a pedophile." Scare tactics will always be a net positive for politicos while the public at large suffers even while they think they're "safer" or whatever makes them feel better. Fear is easy money.

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