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The Major Theoretical Blunders That Held Back Progress In Modern Astronomy 129

KentuckyFC (1144503) writes "The history of astronomy is littered with ideas that once seemed incontrovertibly right and yet later proved to be bizarrely wrong. Not least among these are the ancient ideas that the Earth is flat and at the center of the universe. But there is no shortage of others from the modern era. Now one astronomer has compiled a list of examples of wrong-thinking that have significantly held back progress in astronomy. These include the idea put forward in 1909 that telescopes had reached optimal size and that little would be gained by making them any bigger. Then there was the NASA committee that concluded that an orbiting x-ray telescope would be of little value. This delayed the eventual launch of the first x-ray telescope by half a decade, which went on to discover the first black hole candidate among other things. And perhaps most spectacularly wrong was the idea that other solar systems must be like our own, with Jupiter-like planets orbiting at vast distances from their parent stars. This view probably delayed the discovery of the first exoplanet by 30 years. Indeed, when astronomers did find the first exo-Jupiter, the community failed to recognize it as a planet for six years. As Mark Twain once put it: 'It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.'"

Comment Re:ok if your car is new (Score 2) 432

Putting e10 in a Stihl 2 stroke and pulling the cord voids the warranty. It is terrible stuff for anything that ins't your car. It absorbs water more readily it creates varnish in carbs and worst of all it is mathematically a terrible fucking idea. If ethanol was worth it the plants would run on their own product. So prima fascia it is a fucking scam. Look deeper and all that corn is made using diesel and hydrocarbon based herbicides. FUCK ADM, FUCK IOWA SENATORS, FUCK CORN.

Comment Re:Don't use the word "sustainability" (Score 1) 46

Watering down the goal? The only goal is less people. The only answer is less people. There will be less people soon if population models for all other observed forms of life are true. The only question is do we choose how that happens or do we wait for it to be chosen for us. Watch Arithmetic energy and growth by Dr. Albert Barlette (sp?). My point still stands NOTHING you do in America unless you are Amish is sustainable even being the best American your are still out consuming the vast majority of the planet but who cares if your are the biggest asshole or just one of billions the result is inevitable.

Comment Go the the removable battery gas station model. (Score 1) 193

I know there is some criticism of the Tesla demo of the robot battery swap but the idea is sound. By taking the battery ownership and distributing it amount uses you create range, optimum care conditions, and on demand premium batteries for specific conditions. The cost of the battery can be distributed over the its life and depreciated by a business.

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