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Comment Re:Get ready to *dance*, *silly cows*! (Score 1) 701 On-a-mother-fucking-oscilloscope! Now that is some programming prowess .

Listen oh ye of quick fingers and slow mind, it is better to have said something wrong quick to how you say "make yourself feel superior" or to have just googled it?
P.S. My superiority comes from 1st generation hybrid monkey and alien DNA.

Comment Re:Alternate use for this technology (Score 1) 188

Ad hominem synecdoche; fun to say but not very convincing.

We current are using 2/3 of the capacity for air groups on the super carriers so that argument is less convincing. You still need the support ships period.

Dash speed is bullshit, out running a torpedo may be possible but only if it was fired a the stern and the carrier group had totally failed in its job. Find an example of when they have used it ever and I will mea culpa.

With 10 super carriers and 3.5 average currently operational with a 10 year refueling time you are not the least bit convincing. Even if the carrier were 1/2 the cost you could have 7 concurrently operational or even 2 carriers per current group.

You give no data and no examples so I just don't believe you.

Comment Re:Alternate use for this technology (Score 1) 188

The point is not the de Havilland Mosquito itself as that is that is a prima facie ridiculous example. The real point is single expensive or many inexpensive. The proof that his was right is the drone is in service everyday in every hot spot and our pilots were refusing to fly our top of the line fighter until very recently. Complexity theory is a bitch. Putting all your eggs in one basket is a bad idea. Making your basket cost a measurable amount of GDP is insane. Making your basket nuclear but still needing another 10 support baskets that limit its speed and supply its eggs with yoke defeats the purpose of having it nuclear! What part of this is complicated? You cannot outpace your support ships. Is your only point to pick at the example or do you really disagree with the thesis? Defend limited quantity super expensive vs cheap and plentiful.

Comment Re:Alternate use for this technology (Score 1) 188

It would never work (and I never claimed it would) Spruce bud worm has been a bitch on the industry. Either way you win for the only informed sounding response. Also of note to the detractors my point wasn't the specific example but the idea. Is many decent devices better than one OMEGASUPERAWSOME device? Perfect is the enemy of the good. Also you all might not that the drone is the de facto air force now.

Comment Re:Alternate use for this technology (Score 4, Interesting) 188

You are obviously not part of the military industrial complex! Fuck effective go expensive every time. For the price of one nuclear carrier we could have 50 diesel carrier groups with planes. I know professor that showed that for the price of 1 F14 you could equip a squadron of DeHavalin mosquitoes with Phoenix missiles. Stealth because they are made out of wood and 50 guided missiles will ace any fighter pilot in the sky.

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