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Comment Re:fuel weight (Score 1) 81

The amount of extra fuel required to do this is pretty trivial. The atmosphere does most of the work of slowing down the first stage, and it will be very light (because the payload and almost all of the fuel is gone) when you are trying to land it. The value of recovering the first stage greatly exceeds the slight cost of carrying a little extra fuel weight.

Comment Re:It's OK to attack mythology and superstition... (Score 1) 266

What actually happened is that there was something that you really wanted to believe, and you carefully filtered and interpreted information until you had constructed enough of an argument to convince yourself. Since I have no desire to believe in the Resurrection, I conclude that the things you describe don't come close to "proof" (in either the logical or the scientific sense).

And this all has nothing to do with IQ, it is something that all people do. The best we can hope for is to try to be aware of it in ourselves and others. For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C....

Comment Re:It's OK to attack mythology and superstition... (Score 3, Informative) 266

You have a source for that?

The poll that you supplied supports GP's argument. From the data, 40% of people change religion after birth, but over half of that is caused by people switching "within the same tradition" (e.g. changing from Baptist to Methodist or Agnostic to Atheist), and most of the rest is people leaving the church altogether. Only 4% of people in the survey were raised outside of religion and later joined a religion. So of all religious people in the survey, 96% got there by being born, and the other 4% were raised non-religious and then later became affiliated with a religion. By any reasonable definition, 96% is a "vast majority".

As to your anecdote, some denominations (e.g. Charismatic) cater to the "born again" crowd and so will be composed of a lot of converts, which others (Catholic, Episcopal) are composed almost entirely of people who were born or married into the faith.

Comment Re:What was and wasn't working... (Score 1) 97

Providing the console you were using was set as one of your primary consoles, then downloaded games (including PS+ games) were also fine all day.

Not completely. I tried to play a PS+ game that I haven't played in a couple of months. It turns out is was "expired" and it needed to be reactivated by talking to PSN. The activation service was offline, so no dice. This was on a PS3.

Comment Re:Also human (Score 1) 277

Except this isn't "I forgot to turn off the coffee maker and my coffee burned" territory. It is closer to "I forgot to de-ice the Pitot tubes and a plane full of people crashed." Companies have figure out how to manage stuff like this when it is important enough (process, checklists, redundancy, etc), Sony just failed to do so.

Comment Re:Not MITM (Score 2) 572

I object to the phrase word "Man in the Middle Attack" because that phrase has a very specific meaning. This is not a MITM attack -- at least not a successful one. The submission suggests that the corporation is exploiting some security vulnerability, when really it is just using trust in a completely appropriate* way.

*Note that all of my comments are about computer security, not acceptable corporate behavior. Whether this is a case of corporate douchebaggery is a separate issue. I didn't comment on that part of the issue because it doesn't interest me.

Comment Re:if you're not interested in computers.... (Score 1) 527

The problem is that people entering college now are too young to remember when they were first exposed to computers because computers are everywhere and they've had them all their life. I remember being excited about my family's first computer (and IBM PC XT) and wondering how it works, but that was because I was 9 at the time. Computers are so commonplace today, and many are not even recognizable as computers, that we shouldn't expect kids to have an immediate sense of wonder about them.

Another issue is that young people probably see computers and software as these mystical things that are handed down to us from large, powerful companies like Apple and EA. So they may need to be informed that it is within their means to tinker with software and build things on their own.

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