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Comment Re:Not again... (Score 1) 1110

got used to the new start screen - it's not _that_ bad, no worse than hunting through menus to find what you're looking for, and actually better in that you can just start typing the name of a program and it comes up in the search. Or you can type the name of a control panel applet or setting, and that works too.

Who hunts through menus anymore? I've been able to "just start typing the name of a program and it comes up in the search" since, *gasp!*, Windows Vista.

Comment PHP (Score 1) 224

PHP. Classic procedural programming, object-oriented programming, & (as of PHP 5.3) functional's got it all. In addition, the syntax is very C-like, so making the transition to other popular languages such as C/C++, Java, C#, and Javascript isn't too difficult. Also, the documentation for PHP is very good (

Comment Re:n00b (Score 1) 303

As a side note, I have to mention that I have never had an Ubuntu install of any type - desktop or server - that didn't fall into dependency hell upon doing a dist-upgrade. Archlinux for desktops, Debian for servers.

Funny, I just did 2 version upgrades on Ubuntu Server recently without really any problems. Perhaps you're holding it wrong?

Comment Re:Now this is what I call entertainment. (Score 1) 219

Let's see, you've got: * eccentric millionaire going off the grid to do obscure 'antibiotics' research in the jungles of Belize flanked by various hot young babes
* a compound with military-grade security
* allegations of corrupt local officials with commando units demanding bribes
* embedded American journalists following the saga
* a murder with alternate allegations of settling a vendetta versus a framing job
* millionaire hiding in dirt to avoid authorities
* extreme measures to hide location, including numerous disguises and a decoy with a North Korean passport
* arrest and detection in yet another third-world country
* fake heart attacks to escape detention

Sounds like the plot of a Crysis/Duke Nukem hybrid game.

Comment Some Children Left Behind (Score 1) 684

This may not be the most politically correct solution (or even legal), but how about we take all the bullies and otherwise just shitty students (you know, the ones that make it an absolute nightmare for those with actual talent to learn) out of regular classes, and put them in some school-work program that emphasizes career paths that are a better fit for them. Why keep leading them on like they have potential when the harsh reality is a lot of these types of students are not capable of anything other than menial work and only disrupt others around them during school. Holding them to a higher standard that they're just not mentally capable of just makes it terrible for everyone involved.

Comment Re:Hopefully another 25 years or more (Score 1) 455

For serious remote desktop usage on Linux, the only thing I've tried that's actually any good is NX, although that is the only thing I've tried. Microsoft's RDP protocol is excellent. NX is the only thing that comes close to it.

Perhaps this project may interest you. I've tried all of the janky, half-assed remote desktop solutions that Linux has to offer (x2go, NX, X11 forwarding), & this one seems to work the best for me.

Comment Re:Answer (Score 1) 64

IT professionals, well, experienced ones anyway, don't care what the name is on the tin, as long as it does what it says on the tin. If it does its job well, it will succeed. If it does not, well... there are alternatives.

Holy Testical Tuesday that's a dangerous decision making process. Have you never had to deal with migrating away from a proprietary vendor after being successfully locked-in to their product(s)? It's not a very fun process, I'll say. I just had the joy of doing this with VMWare, interestingly enough. I will gladly put in the extra work required to deploy a solution if it preserves my freedom of choice later on down the road, should I ever need to make a change.

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