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Comment Re:bit of a tricky question with forums (Score 1) 171

Usenet and mailing list archives are forever

This isn't necessarily true. I worked at a place where the CEO came across some archived mailing-list posts that contained sensitive company information (apparently the previous sysadmin didn't have much regard for keeping sensitive company information secret when he had questions). An email or two asking them nicely to remove the content and it was gone. Granted, if it had been propagated to many other archive sites, this could have been a major pain in the ass.

Comment Re:Don't confuse iOS (hipster) with OSX (UNIX) (Score 1) 274

giving the user an easy way to see that error message would be really good!

Although not quite as accessible as having the error/exception thrown right into your face, you do realize that a lot of these types of errors do get logged to the system logger? (example: Event Viewer for Windows, syslog for Linux, etc). I'd imagine looking through this would be a tad easier than watching tcpdump output in real-time while you try to reproduce the problem in question (to use your example).

Comment Re:Quite understandable (Score 1) 273

It's quite understandable. Since a badly built commercial or home device can destroy the USB port on a computer or even feed back enough energy to destroy other components...

Yup...this happened to me. I bought a shoddily made media card reader that completely fried and destroyed my internal USB chipset, rendering all of the on-board USB ports useless....live & learn.

Comment Re: Like your own product (Score 1) 394

Lots of installers for enterprise-level software and hardware drivers will check to ensure it's being installed on RHEL and will fail to install otherwise. Checking that this file exists is an easy way for them to do that. Whether or not they *should* check it that way (or even at all), is debatable.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 699

...and because vaccination and resultant herd immunity effectively wiped many of the most dangerous diseases out of our everyday lives.

One of the most retarded "reasons" I've ever heard from a mother for not having her children immunized is was something along the lines of "I don't want to teach my children that they have to do things because the 'herd' does" ::facepalm::

Comment Re:There's hope yet (Score 3, Insightful) 165

Maybe. But the thing is which I find mildly disturbing is that while X11 has many, many defincies, the Wayland folks seem to enjoy making up straw men and picking on things which are easily refutable.

You do realize that "the Wayland folks" and the X11 folks are the same folks, right? Perhaps you should give this a watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIctzAQOe44

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