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Comment Re:Hm... (Score 1) 196

Option A)
Bookmark IMDB for future use.
when i want to IMDB a movie: i use that bookmark. -> click in IMDB search box on the site -> type in the movie i want -> click on result.

Option B)
don't bother with the bookmark.
when i want to IMDB a movie: click on the URL/search bar in my browser -> type in the name of the movie -> click on the link to that movies page within IMDB from the search results.

it's just easier for me to google it than go to IMDB and search from there.

wtf are bookmarks for anyways?

finding your way back to a website that looks interesting but you don't feel like/have time for reading right now.
sites that i commonly visit i already know the URL of, i can type the first letter or three in the URL bar and my browser knows what i'm after. e.g. if i click in my URL bar then press 's' followed by 'enter' i will be taken to the front page of slashdot, 'm' will take me to my email account

Comment Re:Not really (Score 1) 238

noone insinuated they were an American company or that others would think they were.
There was a statement that they wouldn't have been treated as harshly if they were an American company - which was replied with a statement that all the majors are multinationals and not American so there would be little difference had they originated elsewhere.

Comment Re:so what if they're minors? (Score 1) 423

I bet that rather conveniently doesn't include the 'civil rights' of non-whites to FORCE themselves into the living space and lives of white people who don't want to live with them, does it.

that's the equivalent of saying that your right to a peaceful life interferes with my right to murder you. you have it backwards.

White people don't have the right to simply associate with ONLY their own kind.

yes they do, don't leave your house and don't invite any non-whites in and your dillema is solved.Unless you believe that not to be sufficient and wish not only to avoid associating with non-whites but also wish for them to be completely removed from anywhere which you may wish to travel to.

Can any Slashdot idiots tell me why?

while i would not consider myself an idiot the answer is actually rather simple - consider this scenario:

Point 1: 'Person A' is a white person who wishes to only associate with whites and have no non-whites be allowed in any areas he frequents
Point 2: 'Person B' is a white person who wishes to only associate with whites and have no non-blacks be allowed in any areas he frequents
Point 3: Both 'Person A' and 'Person B' like to frequent 'Area Z'

There are only two solutions to solve this dillemma to keep the rights of both 'Person A' and 'Person B'
Solution 1: Neither 'Person A' not 'Person B' are allowed to enter 'Area Z'
Solution 2: Both 'Person A' and 'Person B' are allowed to enter 'Area Z'

Solution 1 forces the ruling that ones 'right' to never associate with people of other races trumphs the 'right' to enter 'Area Z'
Solution 2 gives both 'Person A' and 'Person B' the choice as to whether they feel the right to enter 'Area Z' is more important than their 'right' to not associate with people of other races.

How I laugh at your so-called 'critical thinking' skills. 99% of you are morons who can't think for yourselves, and I could easily prove that by destroying you in an anonymous online debate.

please respond.

Comment Re:*STOP BATTLE.NET REQUIREMENT* (Score 1) 217

D3 is not a single player game. while some people may choose to not interact with others is is not possible* to create a character that is unable to interact with the online world of D3. they will always have access to the auction house, join other games, & get achievements.

the fact that you think the game should have a single player mode, doesn't mean it does.

*if it were, playing any such character would not require a account.

Comment Re:Surprised? (Score 1) 217

Plus it's a bit of a strawman there as you were never supposed to take a real word and substitute 0s and such in, that's never been an accepted practice for as long as I can remember.

back in the real world: upon password creation, it is always accepted by the system, and therefore generally what people use so that they can remember it.

actually most people don't bother with substitution they just capitalise the first letter & add the required characters at the end - which is usually just a number. whenever they are required to change password by the system they increase the number by one.

although - if 'correcthorsebatterystaple' were a standard password creation method, a brute force using a decent dictionary would be quite plausible.

Comment Re:OK, stick a fork in them, they're done. NOT! (Score 1) 743

my stated assumption was that people with tablets generally own smartphones.

carriers can't restrict/overcharge tethering in Australia, and i was under the impression the case was the same in the U.S (as part of the Open access provisions on the 700MHz C Block spectrum.)

Back in July Verizon was supposed to drop objections to the 11 tethering apps it had pulled from the android marketplace

Comment Re:OK, stick a fork in them, they're done. NOT! (Score 1) 743

NFC is usefull on a tablet because 1. not all smartphones have NFC. And 2. NFC has uses that make it worthwile on every mobile device one person owns as opposed to just needing one device with NFC.

cellular connection is not all that usefull as all* smartphones have both a cellular connection and can be used as a hotspot, therefore there is only the need to for 1 device with cellular connection per person.

to recap -

NFC: 1.usefull on all devices a person owns & 2. Not available on all smartphones.
Cellular Connection: 1: only required on one device a person owns(as long as that can be shared) & 2. available on all* smartphones(to be shared)

*there may be current smartphones that can't be used as a hotspot but i don't know of any.

Comment Re:You don't need Google Maps... (Score 3, Insightful) 347

just because metal is more expensive than plastic, doesn't mean it is better for all purposes.
what advantage does a metal housing for a phone have over a plastic one?

in my opinion, plastic is a superior material for the job due to being lighter, non-conductive(not interfering with NFC or other antennas inside the device) and not requiring an outer layer of paint - which is more susceptible to scratches, which are more obvious.

Comment Re:OK, stick a fork in them, they're done. NOT! (Score 1) 743

not all phones have NFC so it could still be useful for Paypass/unlocking things e.t.c. *although i personally wouldn't want to get a tablet out to do these things - wallet/security cards would be easier.

also NFC is 2 way communication so is also good for transferring content and has many other uses

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