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Submission + - Wireless Headset Causes Fire in Microwave (

sterlingda writes: "Retired University of Colorado professor, Teresa Audesirk, reports seeing flames shoot out of an open plastic container in her microwave as she approached the microwave while wearing a wireless headset. Concurrently, the headset, which was a battery-powered cordless TV sound amplifier, went to a static sound. When she backed away from the microwave, the effect subsided. Then, as she approached again, the flames shot back out of the container that had green beans and salted water inside. Doing some checking around subsequently, she thinks that the phenomenon could be related to that reported by John Kanzius, who discovered an effect in which salt water burns when it is exposed to certain shortwave radio frequencies."

Submission + - Gravity-Powered LED Floor Lamp (

sterlingda writes: "A Virginia Tech student has created an LED floor lamp that is powered by gravity, using a weight slide similar to the concept of a grandfather clock. The lamp puts out the equivalent of a 40-Watt bulb, and lasts four hours per cycle. The mechanism is expected to last 200 years. The LED lamp, named Gravia, has just won second place in the Greener Gadgets Design Competition as part of the Greener Gadgets Conference in New York City."

Submission + - Transmission of Grid Power Using Pressurized Air (

Sterling D. Allan writes: "Instead of transmitting electricity over high-voltage cables, inventor, Thomas Kasmer, suggests transmitting power via high-pressure air, which would be pressurized and depressurized via his infinitely variable pneumatic conversion technology, which would serve as the transformers in the system. He thinks the transmission efficiency would be comparable, but the primary advantage would be the reduction of EMF and other hazards from high voltage transmission."

Submission + - All-Magnet Motor Demo -- by Steorn Observers (

sterlingda writes: "Back in July of 2005, Steorn embarrassed themselves by hosting a world-viewing demo of what was supposed to be a free energy device that defies the laws of physics. Unfortunately, their demo was botched. Meanwhile, a couple of Steorn forum members have been kicking around ideas for how to build an all-magnet motor with no other motive force. One of them shot a video showing acceleration of the device, but he doesn't seem to realize what he's accomplished. After the operator gives it a kick start, and gets the secondary counter-rotating magnet in sync, the motor accelerates to 1700 rpm, while the secondary magnet is spinning at 4200 rpms. When the operator holds two of the three secondary magnets (which are apparently interfering) stationary, the assembly accelerates further (secondary goes to around 5,000 rpm, as measured by an optical tachometer)."

Submission + - Microwave Converts Waste to Fuel (

sterlingda writes: "Global Resource Corp's High-Frequency Attenuating Wave Kinetics (HAWK) recycler extracts oil and gas in seconds from most everyday objects like tires, plastic cups, as well as from shale, coal, and tar sands. Microwaves tuned to an optimum frequency separate the component parts which can be burned or condensed into liquid fuel, using only a small portion of the energy produced."

Submission + - White Christmas Brought to you by ... (

sterlingda writes: "A dozen years ago, while pursuing a super-efficient machine, David Wells discovered that the machine was affecting local weather. Several machines and years later, the effect is much better understood and refined. Hurricanes can be deflected, tornadoes prevented, rain brought in, skies cleared. It apparently works through wave interference patterns, with a wavelength of some 20 miles. The effects are repeatable, and include anomalies such as changing the speed of light."

Submission + - Toshiba Builds Household Nuclear Reactor (

sterlingda writes: "Toshiba has developed a new class of nuclear reactor 100 times smaller than a standard reactor. These micro sized nuclear reactors could be used to power large houses, apartment blocks or some city blocks. The new 200 kilowatt reactor, which is only 20 feet by 6 feet is engineered to be fail-safe and totally automatic and will not overheat. The new micro reactor uses no control rods to initiate the reaction, but uses reservoirs of liquid lithium-6, an isotope that is effective at absorbing neutrons. The whole whole process is self sustaining and can last for up to 40 years, producing electricity for only 5 cents per kilowatt hour, about half the cost of grid energy. Toshiba expects to install the first reactor in Japan in 2008 and to begin marketing the new system in Europe and America in 2009."

Submission + - Continuous Light Doesn't Need to be Plugged In (

sterlingda writes: "First announced publicly at NASA Tech Briefs on Oct. 5, 2007, GlowPaint glow-in-the-dark paint company, MPK Co., has come up with self-luminous micro particles called Litrospheres(TM) which they say are inexpensive, non-toxic, and will stay on for 12+ years (half-life point) continuously — without having to be plugged into any power source. The Litrospheres(TM) are not effected by heat or cold, and are 5,000-pound crush resistant. They can be injection molded or added to paint. The fill rate of Litroenergy micro particles in plastic injection molding material or paint is about 20%. The constant light gives off no U.V. rays, and can be designed to emit almost any color of light desired. The company seeks to mass produce this mateiral and supply OEMs."

Submission + - 3000 km on Water and Waste Oil (

sterlingda writes: "Bios Fuel Corporation of New Zealand drove a Toyota Landcruiser across the Australian Desert from Darwin to Adelaide, running a virtually unmodified diesel engine on 40% Water and 60% Waste Mineral oil as part of the Greenfleet Class of the Panasonic World Solar Challenge. Bios Fuel claims to have developed a water-based fuel technology that allows hydrogen to be housed safely in water and released on demand for numerous applications. A proprietary catalyst allows water to be suspended in waste oil as an emulsion. The fuel is designed for power generation. It is one of several blends that Bios Fuel has certified to American ASTM standards."

Submission + - Thermal Paint that Generates Electricity (

sterlingda writes: "Industrial Nanotech, Inc. an emerging global leader in nanotechnology, has announced that the Company is now in the development stage of a thermal insulation material that will generate electricity. The company presently produces a Nansulate coating, which, when applied to industrial piping prevents corrosion and is said to lower energy use by 10-20%. "After almost three years of research on producing thin sheets of thermal insulation which use the temperature differential that insulation inherently creates as a source for generating electricity, we are moving to the development stage and designing the first prototype material and filing the patents necessary to protect this valuable intellectual property," states Stuart Burchill, CEO of Industrial Nanotech, Inc."

Submission + - Inflatable, Affordable Electric Car ( 3

Sterling Allan writes: "XP Vehicles(TM) announced on Thursday that it's Whisper(TM) electric car is being developed for online direct ship distribution at sub $5000.00 price-points. This would be the world's first crash-proof, long range, flat-pack vehicle. A baffled pressure tube system provides the supporting and protective structure of the vehicle, making it so safe that the engineers for the Whisper are confident you can drive it off a 25-foot cliff without serious injury to its passengers."

Submission + - Cold Fusion's Commercialization Begs Funding (

Sterling Allan writes: "A recent conference on Cold Fusion at MIT concludes that with 3,000+ published studies from around the world describing excess energy from tabletop fusion devices, the question of whether Cold Fusion is real is not the issue. According to Wired's report on the conference, now the question is whether or not it can be made commercially viable, and to answer that, some serious funding is needed."

Submission + - Electrostatic Magnet Motor Made from Kitchen Stuff (

Sterling Allan writes: "Scott F. Hall, an associate professor of art at the University of Central Florida, was tinkering around with stuff in his kitchen and came up with a continuously rotating mechanism that appears to harness electrostatic energy from the atmosphere — or something. The gizmo spins at around 80 revolutions per minute, and is constructed from a can of dog food, tooth picks, refrigerator magnets, a pencil, spring clips, and a small corner cut out of a box. Three toothpics are formed into an inverted tripod and spin atop the fourth toothpick held vertical by a spring clip that has magnets situated around the base. A graphite pencil is held over the the point of the inverted tripod via another spring clip sitting atop the can of dog food. Hall (suitable last name) posted a video at YouTube showing the gizmo running. The next day, he posted another video showing a round paperweight spinning (though not continuously) via magnets placed on its perimeter, with magnets on two adjoining dog food cans."

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