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Comment Re:Qui bono? (Score 1) 357

Because its dangerous. Last 3 years are proof of that.
It was banned by the Obama administration.
Fauci did a work around and funded the Wuhan lab anyways.
USAID is also part of the funding for gain of function.

At the very least its egg on the face of the US government. If nothing else.
At worst...

Comment Re:They are in it for the long haul... (Score 1) 62

What do you mean its expensive?
Its infinitly divisible.

As the value of BTC goes up, we wont be talking about the price of 1 BTC anymore, we'll be talking about the price of 1 SAT (Satoshi).
1 SAT = $0.00026315 (USD) currently

Its 1 BTC / 100 million

The only issue is volatility which makes it impracticle at the moment as a currency, maybe for ever. But as a store of value nothing has outperformed BTC over 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and never will because of its absolute scarcity.

Comment Re:Remittances prove BTC is a failure (Score 1) 62

Time is a commodity, so is patience.

Bitcoins intrinsic values are : Garantee limited quantity, Unhackable, Decentralised, Uncensorable.

It is designed for the specific purpose of being money.
- Store of value
          - Through time
          - Through space
- Unit of account
          - The entire blockchain (of all historical transactions) is audited every 10 minutes
          - Trustless (because its verified every 10 minutes)
- Secure
- Cannot be debased/inflated away

Claiming Bitcoin has no intrinsic value is ignoring the value of the points above. Physical use is not the only way to evaluate a commodity.

"Money" is half of every transaction. (approximately, some trading is still done to some degree).

If I work 8 hours today and that is currently valued at $400.00 dollars. There is no reason for my 8 hours of work to be worth less 10, 20, 30 years from now.
With FIAT currency, the worth of my work is devalued, on average, by 7% per year. That means if I decide to spent my earning in 10 years it would be worth less than half its initial value. In 30 years over 88% loss in value.

Inflation is theft, and there is no way to fix this without hard money that cannot be debased.

Goods should go down in price with increased productivity and technology, not go up.

Comment Re:Finally catching up (Score 1) 104

This has got to be the most clownish response I have every heard.

I see what you want:

***Here is a BOX, fenced off, in a far away field, in the middle of nowehere. Your permit is granted to protest where NO ONE will hear you, your government representatives are free to ignore you and none of the NPC citizens will hear your message.***

I and most people, dont want to live in your world where the many may crush the rights of the individual.
There is a reason there is a charter that protects the rights of individuals. Not being protected from temporary "discomfort" is not one of them.

The evidence is that the protests went on for 1 month and 1 day without incident.
Thats all that is needed.

Comment Re:Finally catching up (Score 1) 104

The convoy leaders had open communications with local Ottawa police and followed all requests that had to do with safety, which is why there were open lanes for emergency vehicles.

I'm not sure what you are looking for. There was police presence throughout, and cooperation with all sides.
I spoke with police on the street, they had nothing but good things to say about the cooperation and how things where proceeding.

It was disruptive to day to day life, yes, but thats the nature of a protest and here was the largest peaceful protest in Canadian history.

The Federal government pressured the city to fire the police chief (Peter Sloly) and replace him with someone who would crack down and follow Federal orders, because the Peter Sloly was working with the protesters, protecting their rights to protest while making things safe for local citizens.

But the whole ordeal was an embaressement for Trudeau and wanted them beatten down and scattered.

Comment Re:Finally catching up (Score 1) 104

Mentally weak? That is your take?

Yet you are the one who believe lies to this day, like someone died because an ambulance was blocked.
Something I debunked with sources. Something that the police chief debunked the following day this lie was published, yet 1.5 years later YOU still believe.

I was there on the spot. The lane was clear on main roads.

Asking for a study because you were shown to be wrong, is hillarious.


Comment Re:Finally catching up (Score 1) 104

I addressed this in the other post.
Stop trying to justify your media fueled hate for people that simply want to have their rights protected.
People dont just up and drive halfway accross the LARGEST country in the world to protest for no good reason at all.

Its sad that you would try and discredit them.

No one was hurt, at risk or prevented going anywhere. Emergency lanes where open for ambulances and others vehicles.

You are objectively wrong on all counts.

Comment Re:Finally catching up (Score 0) 104

Look, I know you have a cognitive bias and do not like people protesting because they believe, rightly, in the freedom to make medical choices for themselves without having their governement remove, illegaly, wholesale their freedom to travel and function in society.

However, you keep grasping at straws here.

If you cannot protest at the SEAT of the Federal governement, you cant protest AT ALL.

No ones life was EVER at risk.
I said early there was an emergency lane open on the main throroughfares for emergency vehicles.
Your nazi flag narrative is a psyops by the governement.

The protest lasted for 1 month and 1 day.
There was 1 nazi flag seen in a photo op position at the Fairmont Château Laurier Hotel, at a location not accessible by random protesters.
The 1 confederate flag was carried by the ONLY masked (ski mask and reflective sunglasses) person in attendance (conceiling his identity) for a few hours on one single day out of those 4 weeks.
There are videos of protesters calling him out and telling him to GTFO with that flag and that he was NOT welcome there.

You have NO idea what you are talking about, simply repeating what you saw on mainstream TV.

There are hundreds of hours of journalists on the street constantly streaming what was going on there.
But your opinion is based on what was fed to you by news agencies whose subsidies for survival come from the same government that was being protested.

Tens of thousands accross Canada, cheered on the trucker convoys going from all corners of Canada, on EVERY single overpass along the routes they took to get to Ottawa, from the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts, and those overpasses where overwhelmingly filled with mothers, children and fathers, in that order.

I'm sorry, you where hoodwinked by your own government and news apparatus. Nothing you think you know about this historical even is true.

Comment Re:Finally catching up (Score 0) 104

Never happened.

(See last section of the article).

And the rock throwing mentioned in the article is hearsay and baseless.

As I said, I was there. It was truckers, but also mothers, fathers, preachers, people from all communities, from First Nations to Sheikh's, kids, etc...
They fed the homeless, cleaned the streets, maintained the monuments, etc...

Whatever you heard in the news was made up bullshit.

They did park on the streets and "occupy" the area surrounding Parliement in protest.
It is a Chart protected RIGHT to do so in Canada.

Comment Re:Finally catching up (Score 2, Insightful) 104

No emergency responders where blocked.
Not a single one.

The trucks where all parked on one side of the main street in front of Parliament.
There was an emergency lane left open, by the organisers, working with the local Ottawa police.

No crimes where committed.
Honking was stopped after hours, as requested, by local law enforcement after the first few initial days.

Reading headlines, does not make you an expert on what happened there.
I went on site twice during the protest to see for myself what was going on.

Comment Re:They are correct to be (Score 1) 168

The numbers for Covid deaths where always overcounted.

No difference has been made in the last 3 years for died FROM covid vs died WITH covid.

Do you have historical reference for how many people in 2018 died WITH an influenza like illeness?
I would bet my shirt, its on par if not higher than Covid deaths if we had systematically tested everyone for all respiratory ilnesses every few weeks and at each admission to the hospital or clinic.

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