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Comment Re:health insurance is like auto insurance now (Score 1) 2424

RE: Paying the fine.

That's is the way I read this bill, and also what would be intelligent action under this bill. What I don't understand is what insurance premiums will be when only sick people buy insurance?

I may be missing something, but perhaps this is the plan.

At least it is becoming more widely known that, with the support of the vice-president, the Senate could almost be called a democratic body. Senators are losing some of their cover.

Comment The article has some problems (Score 1) 376

This isn't a detailed critique, I don't have the data or the time for that. However the article talks about a different family size in Germany, & some other EU nations (2.2 individuals per household) versus (2.6 individuals per household) in the U.S. & Canada. The article implies that this changes the lines per person somewhat. Disregarding the fact that Germany is an extreme case, in the U.S. at least, family size increases at lower income levels, and lower income levels probably equate with lower internet use. I think the article's argument is very weak.

One other observation: The article's complaints about broadband connectivity to employees, due to larger business size in the U.S.- seems reasonable to me. Most complaints on slashdot and elsewhere are from consumers and small businesses. Of course I don't know how you would measure the bandwidth of Google with it's uTube. That would seem to be a third category of bandwidth, neither household consumer or business employee.

Comment Re:Remember, slashdot is run by rich white guys (Score 1) 191

Every thing in the Federalist paper #62 relates to the nature on the U.S. Senate. You have taken a quote out of context.

Madison was not arguing against economic regulation at all, he was arguing that short terms for politicians would provide bad economic regulation! Also many other thing such as the appointment of senators by the State legislatures would protect small states. He is also claiming that a Semator's longer terms will provide stability in all things including economic regulation. That is were your quote came from. SO WHAT!

I repeat: James Madison accepts that economic regulation is the primary function of government.

Comment Re:Remember, slashdot is run by rich white guys (Score 1) 191

To Madison, "regulation" meant to keep commerce regular, by enforcing the rule of law, and providing a court system to adjudicate contract disputes.


Really! He does mention that the vast majority of the population should be excluded from political power,( So they could not regulate the economy.) That was earlier, during the Constitutional convention.Is that what you are hinting at? That earlier quote is included in the article.
FP #10 Principle Task of Government.

"A landed interest, a manufacturing interest, a mercantile interest, a moneyed interest, with many lesser interests, grow up of necessity in civilized nations, and divide them into different classes, actuated by different sentiments and views. The regulation of these various and interfering interests forms the principal task of modern legislation, and involves the spirit of party and faction in the necessary and ordinary operation of government."

Submission + - Avast having problems with false positives

NotSoHeavyD3 writes: So just today Avast anti-virus is going nuts claiming I have win32:delf-mzg [trj] infecting pretty much everything. I should have googled it first before going nuts scanning everything but it looks like this is actually a false positive that pretty much cripples my machine. At this point apparently there isn't much to do but disable avast and wait for a fix to come out. Anyway hopefully this can prevent other Slashdot'ers from trying to clean out their entire machine of viruses that don't actually exist.

Comment Re:Laws (Score 1) 698

Done by "private" funding of U.S. campaigns?? Yea maybe, but among other things, it's also done by "outlawing," private member based political parties. This tends to leave money as the primary organizing force in politics.

Uniquely, U.S. parties have few powers other than raising $$ - by law! SEE: What is a Political Party? http://bit.ly/117M0o

ALSO: The U.S.:Pathetic Democracy or Failed Constitutional Republic? http://bit.ly/ftukH


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