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Comment Re:Because only a moron takes it seriously (Score 1) 153

For example, Catholicism isn't Christianity, because the Bible doesn't say shit about a pope.

That is one of the dumbest of dumb things I've heard said Catholicism in my life. There are some denominations that take every single word of the Bible entirely literally. Catholicism is not one of them. Genesis, for example, is considered allegorical.

Comment Re:I don't think so (Score 5, Insightful) 92

But debt collectors don't care at all if they get the correct person or not. My parents kept getting calls for someone who had a similar name to my brother that didn't even live in the same state as us. They kept at it weekly for 2-3 years. Yes people should pay their debts, but debt collector services are scummy.

Comment Re: good! (Score 1) 291

Um no, that's not how it works. COVID is extra nasty because you are contagious even before you start demonstrating symptoms or if you never have symptoms. So kids will be doing what they've always been doing, spreading infectious diseases like wildfire, except this year it's going be worse than some 2-day stomach bug that everyone in town gets.

Comment Re:"Sends message" .... (Score 1) 253

The law enforcement agencies can pay for the storage. Don't worry, they're usually loaded with cash. Not all bodycam footage is retained for very long. Routine traffic stop with no problems? Probably deleted after 30 days. Tazer deployed? Ok, now it becomes evidentiary, it's probably going to be around for a few years. Bodycams or dashcams often are selectively turned on or are tied to an event (Lights are on, cams come on automatically.)

Part of it is an agency's culture. Cameras help make any kind of interaction more transparent. Everyone should have a bodycam, and it should be policy that they are worn and used. There are a lot of agencies that don't like that, even when having video footage would definitely help their case.

Comment Re:What a great idea.. (Score 1) 257

If someone breaks into your house at 3 am to kill you, the police will show up in time to photograph some dead bodies, put some crime scene tape up, and call the medical examiner.

There may or may not be a police pursuit at 3:30, but either way, cops are catching/shooting someone later, not in the act.

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