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Comment Re:Depends on the source (Score 1) 749

This article is a pretty good explanation of why 16/44.1 is as good as anyone needs for playback.

kinda like 640K?

I gave some advice to a glove factory once. I told them, you should start making all their gloves with 6 fingers on them - just to be sure. They told me that most people had just 5 fingers, and that five fingers should be enough for anyone. I rudely quipped "yeah, you sound exactly like Bill Gates about that 640kB of RAM!"

They called the police on me, and I was trespassed from the building.

Comment Re:Antibiotic Placebo? (Score 1) 240

If you'd never had asthma, and could barely breathe, then I'd go with the antibiotics. (You you were an asthmatic, the steroids would probably have helped by themselves.)

Even bronchitis is usually viral and pneumonias can be too, but if something's interfering with your ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) then it's best to be safe.

But yours was a relatively rare (for an individual person) case. Often it's guys who say "I've had 2 days of a sore throat and runny nose, and I want something to make me feel better because I've got a meeting" who are the problem.

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