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Comment Re:Where do those stats come from? (Score 1) 90

From where I stand, in the middle of a big research lab I can say that:
  • Most researchers use Excel
  • Many of the Engineers use VBA
  • A handful use Matlab and Mathematica
  • A few brave souls use Python (and are very vocal about it)
  • Nobody has ever heard of anyone using Java, or any other mainstream backend language for this kind of stuff
  • A lot of researchers use data analysis tools that nobody ever speaks about

But these people don't make up much of the programmer population in the world. So really there's not much point in talking about them in a programming topic.

Comment will electricity be created from fusi (Score 1) 117

Frankly I'm getting tired of the heat transfer through coolant to generator.

I'm right there with you, I need something much more compact for my Terminator T1000 style power supply. Ideally the fusion products would be high energy charged particles that could transfer energy directly to an electrostatic field. This is theoretically possible when you use Helium-3 as a fuel. I'll leave it up to the reader to research Helium-3 fusion power. However this tech is probably what comes after the current generation of fusion reactors.

Comment will electricity be created from fusi (Score 5, Interesting) 117

The helium nucleus carries an electric charge which will be subject to the magnetic fields of the tokamak and remain confined within the plasma, contributing to its continued heating. However, approximately 80 percent of the energy produced is carried away from the plasma by the neutron which has no electrical charge and is therefore unaffected by magnetic fields. The neutrons will be absorbed by the surrounding walls of the tokamak, where their kinetic energy will be transferred to the walls as heat.

In ITER, this heat will be captured by cooling water circulating in the vessel walls and eventually dispersed through cooling towers. In the type of fusion power plant envisaged for the second half of this century, the heat will be used to produce steam and by way of turbines and alternators electricity.

In terms of sheer scale, the energy potential of the fusion reaction is superior to all other energy sources that we know on Earth. Fusing atoms together in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil or gas and four times more than nuclear fission.


Comment Re:No (Score 2) 82

In the rest of the country though, it's created balance; people have left places where house prices were grossly overpriced (London, San Francisco) and can now afford a place that's more than just a bedroom with a toilet and microwave in it and buy a proper house.

In Australia I'm seeing a few more balancing effects. Sydney is the most expensive place to live but also one of the highest paying, and companies there are able to hire people from other areas around Australia for remote work. This is pushing up wages around the rest of Australia, which is also pushing up housing prices etc. The follow on from this is I've seen a few remote working people leave the country, and go live in places like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia, but still on their same job and pay. Their pay goes a lot further in these other countries, and they can live quite a different lifestyle.

Comment Re: Windows 2000 and 7 were the biggest improvemen (Score 1) 184

Windows NT really went to shit when they merged the Kernel and GDI memory spaces in pursuit of graphics performance

Yep you hit the nail on the head. The story behind this bad decision was that BillG got pissed because Byte magazine published an article showing that you could scroll faster in Excel on System 7 (MacOS 7) vs Windows NT 3.51. So they moved the GDI stack into the kernel so they could beat System 7 on scrolling. A stupid little pissing contest that only Mac fans cared about... and BillG

Comment Re:Windows 2000 and 7 were the biggest improvement (Score 1) 184

Windows 3.0 was the biggest improvement and is what brought Windows into the mainstream. Windows 2.11 was its predecessor and it sucked harder than anything listed here.

After that I'd say Windows NT 3.51 (Note the NT) was a big improvement over Windows NT 3.1. At the time this was the best operating system I'd used (had been on OS/2, and Solaris). Then things started going downhill with NT 4.0.

Comment Re:C++, dont care (Score 1) 91

I few years ago management where I was doing a job decided they were going to remove all Java from their network as a security measure. However the old Java developers made the case that there was no way we could do everything in anything else but Java. So it stayed. I wonder if this incident will be enough to give management more backbone when it comes to sticking with security based decisions.

Comment Re:We totally deserve this (Score 1) 91

I feel like nothing you've said relates in any way, shape or form to what I have said.

Slashdot forums are a pissing contest wrt how hard you had it as a kid using old computer tech. If you don't understand a response then the other person has pissed further than you, and your id probably has too many digits, which means you never would have won anyway.

Comment Re:if I need to whip up a desktop app ... (Score 2) 44

WPF, UWP, .. end up dying

They are evolving, not really dying. Silverlight died, but that was pretty much a variant of WPF that was competing with web technologies. Desktop tech on the web, hmmm. The latest WinUI3 is an evolution of UWP that borrows heavily from WPF. Technology moves on, people need to let go of their favorite old GUI tech from the past, hey I used to be a fan of the Borland Widget Toolkit in the 1990s. Win32 is still there because it's closest to the underlying O/S, and the O/S supports all the old apps going back over a couple of decades. But the new stuff uses something like DirectX for rendering and completely sidesteps the Win32 API. And don't talk about Winforms. That shit is hard to maintain on massively deep GUI applications. WPF is a godsend with it's separation of data model and GUI code via databinding. I've been using the latest WinUI3 stuff. It's quite a bit closer to the metal than WPF, so requires quite a few little helpers that are built into WPF. C# codegen is going to be very useful going forward when porting huge applications to the new WinUI3 front ends.

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