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Comment Re:Do they get a refund? (Score 5, Insightful) 110

Quite the opposite, if you file and are granted a patent for something that is later ruled invalid, there should be substantial penalties for the filer, because the purpose of a patent application is a government granted monopoly, leveraging the legal power and force of government to suppress other business. If you tell the government that you've done something novel that isn't, and prevent competition through that mechanism, there are substantial social costs (none of the benefits of invention, but all of the costs of a monopoly).

Comment Re:Krugman (Score 4, Interesting) 540

You should probably read the article. Krugman is not saying these things, Gordon is. Krugman disagrees with him.

What Gordon then does is suggest that IR #3 has already mostly run its course, that all our mobile devices and all that are new and fun but not that fundamental. Itâ(TM)s good to have someone questioning the tech euphoria; but Iâ(TM)ve been looking into technology issues a lot lately, and Iâ(TM)m pretty sure heâ(TM)s wrong, that the IT revolution has only begun to have its impact.

Comment Particles (Score 1) 210

Perhaps someone who has more knowledge can elucidate me, but when they say "diluted by the Pacific ocean", I think the implication is that it is like dumping a million gallons of Kool-Aid in the ocean - it would disperse so much that the things that identify it as Kool-Aid - color and sweetness - would essentially disappear into the soup.

However, as I understand it, we are talking about irradiated particles. The radiation does not "dilute", right? It is like adding 2-3 deadly ping pong balls to a sports arena full of ping pong balls. The chances of encountering one are slim, but, if you do, you could die or be seriously hurt. ( I am talking about ingestion ).

And, it's not like the risk of ingestion is a function of the volume of the ocean necessarily, as there are specific vectors of distribution - mainly things like seaweed, krill, tuna, etc. that are small compared to the mass of the ocean, but significant in likeliness of human contact due to the over fishing and reliance on the ocean for food.

So, am I looking at a greater risk of ingesting a particle of cesium when I eat my canned tuna and having it give me cancer - or are we really saying that the properties of radiation are somehow lessened by contact with so much sea water?

Comment Re:How many more? (Score 1) 409

Even with your eyes open, you have to look - sometimes in the dark or without reading glasses - and react, and turn it around and try again and you know what, why can't we just plug the connector in without worrying about orientation. It's trivial, when reduced to a single event, but doing this day in and day out adds up. People don't get Apple. For me, every bit of friction removal like that has value. It's the attention to detail, the shine on the chrome, the icing on the cake.

Comment Re: sensors on the car can become dirty (Score 1) 140

I'm sure there is a self diagnostic and calibration that can sense when a sensor is dirty and prevent the car from operating. I also don't imagine that the car will be programmed to stop any more suddenly than is safe for all concerned. But, what's the alternative - plow into the pedestrian? Any of us would slam on our brakes anyway and stop as rapidly as we can. The thing about autonomous cars is that they will see the pedestrian and implement braking the microsecond he becomes visible - unlike human operators who are likely tp be brushing tacos off of their lap, fiddling with the stereo, texting, or watching some chick's ass on the side of the road.

Comment Ocean Acidification (Score 1) 398

There is no dispute, as far as I am aware, about the cause of the rapid, devastating acidification of the oceans - anthropogenic carbon dioxide uptake. We could talk about that instead, but the truth is that our planet is run by an alien species bent on destroying the planet, ala "They Live". Either that or we are just generally stupid, lazy and greedy as a species. I prefer to believe it is aliens.

It does seem that, while both sides are complicit in the problem, the left, at least, supports acting on science, while the right continues to rely on magical thinking - climate change denial, lower revenue to balance the budget, context-selective sperm, abstinence-based sex programs, 6,000-year old earth, you name it. You can present them with all of the evidence in the world, but they live in their own reality.

Comment Re:Curiosity is on Mars! (Score 1) 411

Yeah, we're just a bunch of brutish chimps. Should we wallow in it or try to be better? I'd rather we channel our agression into exploring Titan and Europa and the Marianas trench than creating more terrorists by constantly bombing wedding parties. This made me proud to be human and proud to be American. Burning up small children in the Middle East makes me ashamed in both counts. Lets look at the beauty and creativity of the olympic ceremonies and the striving of the athletes to be the best we can be and lets loom at this achievement here today and lets try to transend what it means to be human.

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The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
