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Comment Re:A contradiction in terms? (Score 1) 210

Actually, some WYSIWYG editors like Amaya can produce standards-compliant code these days (since Amaya is the W3C's own tool, I would sure hope it produces compliant code). I use Amaya for creating web-based documentation. I initially code the document template by hand and then use the WYSIWYG tool to add the actual content because doing all that by hand is downright tedious. When I'm writing, I like to focus 100% on content without having to worry about the HTML.

The only gripe I have with Amaya is that the interface is a bit clunky (even though it still works great) and I just can't make the damn thing work on Linux Mint 15 even with the official deb packages.

Comment Re:CAN you write code for it? (Score 2) 210

Have you ever seen the applications people build around MS Access back in the day? It was, I am not exaggerating, a nightmare. You could really have bad dreams about that sort of thing, because it felt like what getting lost in the woods at night feels like.

The Visual Basic 6 monstrosities people used to cobble together back in the '90s were just as bad.

Comment Re:Software companies can be extremely abusive. (Score 1) 274

Fine. I'll keep using Adobe CS2 indefinitely. CS2 has always met my needs perfectly so I have no reason to ever upgrade--especially since Adobe was kind enough to release an activation-free CS2 installer awhile ago (about the only benevolent thing they've ever done). They had their chance to force people like me to upgrade when they shut the CS2 servers down and they blew it. Thanks, Adobe!

Comment Re:RSA = out of date (Score 1) 282

The thing I'm not sure about right now is whether the RSA method itself is becoming insecure or if standard-size keys can simply be brute-forced. If it's a question of key size, then why not use larger keys?

The last time I checked, it is possible to increase the size of RSA keys quite a bit. Most frontends for PGP/GPG only allow keys up to 4096-bit to be created but several years ago I was able to generate valid key pairs up to 11296-bit. I had to modify the GPG source code and recompile it before it would let me create oversize keys but my 11296-bit key is still compatible with stock GPG.

Comment Re:Down the line... (Score 4, Interesting) 248

On OTA TV I tolerate advertisement because I can pick up the signal for free. On the other hand, people have to pay for fucking cable/satellite service and they still get ads. Back when I got cable I was upset because I couldn't a-la-carte the channels I really wanted so I was stuck paying for a bunch of shit I had no interest in watching. Broadcasters/channels get no sympathy from me because cable simply isn't worth paying for. I make do with OTA.

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