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Comment Re:Fall, really? (Score 1) 398

Admittedly, the Democrats basically had about 9 months (out of 6 year Senatorial terms and 2-year Representative terms in a 4-year Presidential term) when they actually controlled enough seats in both the House and the Senate to pass their agenda over the filibusters (which have become routine, against all prior wish and Constitutional intent) of the Republican minority. So blaming Republicans for their open and professed obstruction tactics makes a lot of good sense, actually.

Now, whether the Democratic agenda really would have helped the country all that much, that's another question. Personally, I feel like having the center-right in power instead of the far-right isn't much of an accomplishment.

Comment Re:Hire the unemployed (Score 2) 428

If people in San Francisco are asking $140k/year for entry-level software engineering, perhaps it's because you can't pay rent on a decent place to live in San Francisco with a lower salary than that. I suggest you simply move your business out of San Francisco, to the rest of the country where median pay for software engineers overall is $90k/year, median pay for entry-level if $65k/year, and people can actually live on those salaries.

Comment Re:Complain, complain..... (Score 1) 373

That's just San Francisco pricing for you. Where I lived in Cambridge, MA, it was cheaper to grab a falafel or an Indian buffet for lunch than a hamburger. Well, actually, they cost about the same (the falafel a bit less, the Indian a bit more), but the falafel and Indian buffet were accurately priced for what you received, whereas $7.50 for a hamburger was just yuppie-hipster pricing.

Comment Re:Problem? (Score 1) 164

I have often been contacted via email by correspondents under the misguided impression that I am an Italian author and/or an Israeli public intellectual. I am not sure if these two are the same man, but I know from childhood that someone with my name once won some kind of prestigious prize for his fiction writing (was it a Pulitzer? I don't remember).

For the record, I'm the computer programmer by this name from Northeastern America.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
