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Comment Japanese funding agencies (Score -1) 262

From TFA: "Teagle, who will lead a run-up expedition this spring to bore further into the oceanic crust than ever before, said the forward push to get this project rolling is coming largely from Japanese funding agencies and the availability of a massive Japanese deep-sea drilling vessel called Chikyu."

Japanese funding agencies would maybe have something else to do with their money in the next ten years, sadly ?

Comment Re:Bad Tech Journalism (Score -1) 83

This is raycasting, not raytracing.

When doing raycasting, you will basically throw one ray per column (320x240 resolution -> 320 rays) (only primary rays are thrown, most of the time). Perspective is then added (the farest the ray hits, the smallest the wall will be on the screen). Quite fast, albeit very simple (no lighting, reflexion, or such).
When doing raytracing, you throw one ray per pixel (that's the primary one) to know which object it hits, then another one for each light source (secondary one, for shadows and color), then N others if needed (think reflection, etc.). Each of these secondary rays will then throw other rays, etc etc. Computationally very intensive, even after good optimizations, but quite realistic.

Comment Re:In the suicide-bombing age... (Score -1) 274

"The claim being made is that religion causes these conflicts. Im pretty sure Pol Pot didnt start his movement for the sake of a religious belief, but a political one." And how is that a different thing ? A religion is nothing more than a bunch of people telling they've got the Truth. Quite like politics to me.

Comment Re:Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry Mini (Score -1) 47

The "professions liberales" are the independant ones (like physicians, lawyers, etc.), where you can freely chose how much you'll ask (so that's not a salary). "Liberal" has a very, very (very) different usage in France. It just means you are free to do what you want, as in "liberté" (liberty / freedom). Economically, at least.

Comment Re:Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry Mini (Score 2, Informative) 47

"French Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry Ministry.
What are we going to do with all of these ministries? Are IT staff going to spend the weekend in a massive cleaning to remove traces of 'spectacular' redundancy, too?"

My preferred one is :
"Secretaire d'Etat aupres de la ministre de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie, charge du Commerce, de l'Artisanat, des Petites et Moyennes entreprises, du Tourisme, des Services, des Professions liberales et de la Consommation"
That's ONE guy (no need to translate, most of the words are english-ready, apart from 'small and middle sized companies'). And they *really* call him like that *everytime* it appears in the senate (often).

Comment Re:No sympathy here, sorry (Score -1) 844

" I don't believe for a second that (...) disagreeing with a law morally entitles somebody to break it."

So you are a state-robot. The law says this, so you do this. That's part of a bigger problem of our system : noone is responsible of anything anymore. "That was the order !". Can't you just assume what you do ? I respect the law, most of the time, for a stupid-simple reason : that's logical. I stop at "stop" signs, I pay my taxes, etc. But I smoke pot, too. That's illegal where I live, and I can't think of *one* reason not to do so if I like to.
So I break the law, should I go to prison because that's not moral to you ? Fuck no. It does not concern you, at all, ever.
Be clever, and stop mixing "moral" with "law", that's stupid.

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