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Comment Big corporations are the same (Score 1) 341

While I've seen exceptional incompetence in Government officials, I've seen things not much better in big corporations. They are a bit better since they kinda need to support themselves, but not by much.

Management is ncompetent- check
Feuds between departments- check
Covery your arse attitude to everything- check
Lots of red tape and internal regulations- check
Endless meetings- check

And I can definitely use "frustration" as a word describing my experience in one of the places where I tried to "cut through the rubbish" and get things done. Right now I don't think there is much difference between government and big corporations- both are big organizations with way too much power to screw with people's lives.


Comment Sagan's Demon-Haunted World (Score 4, Insightful) 796

Before you start reading anything, do read Sagan's Demon-Haunted World first. It's a good introduction into telling lies and bullshit apart from stuff you can believe. I think scepticism and logic and scientific method are very lacking from today's education and peoples minds. This book takes a small step in fixing that.

As for other books worth reading- other comments have plenty of good suggestions.


Comment I have replaced 2 Evoluent Vertical Mice (Score 1) 361

They are great on the wrist and I'm still using them and I love them. However, I had a couple that failed within a year. First one died due to some strange software/USB controller issue- OS would not recognize it, and it would show up as an unknown USB device with a random USB ID. Another had a broken wire after 1 year of normal office use.

Both of them were promply replaced for free (still under warranty which is 2 years) after a nice email exchange with Evoluent. I'm quite happy with their service as well.


Comment That's no less secure than bad encryption/encoding (Score 2) 381

If you store passwords on your machine, either they have to be strongly encrypted in something like KeePass or Kwallet and password/key protected, or else they are as secure as plain text.

Some pieces of software "encrypt" passwords with base64 or XOR and make them look garbled and that gives you false sense of security. But in reality these passwords can be decrypted in milliseconds by anyone.


Comment TOR? Or I2P? Or Freenet? Or something else? (Score 3, Insightful) 123

Hmm, TOR is a nice project and all, but it has its benefits and drawbacks. I think IETF need to give quite a bit of thought before adopting some technology as a standard.

I'm all for anonymous communication with encryption though. I hate what corporations and governments are doing to the internet. I do believe internet is the most important human discovery since fire, and its freedoms need to be preserved...


Comment FDroid, Yandex, Amazon, direct download... (Score 4, Insightful) 255

There are plenty of alternatives to the official Google App Store.

I'm not sure if it's a good thing they removed it from the official store or not. If it was up to me I'd probably allow it with big red letters saying "THIS WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY AND MIGHT BRICK YOUR PHONE". OTOH people installing stuff from official Google App Store don't expect these things to happen, so maybe it's a good thing for the masses that this app was removed... And tech-savy people will find ways to get Cyanogen installed anyway.


Comment Trust in USA? What's that? (Score 4, Insightful) 75

Who in their right mind could trust USA? Unicorns are more real than trust in USA. Spying, 2 wars based on lies and deceit, lots of profiteering at everyone's expense, patent trolling and other IP based litigation nonsense, shoving harmful legislation down everyones throats- all of that is coming from US.

Well, unless it's "trust" as in "I trust US to screw everyone at every opportunity".


Comment No-holiday culture in US is to blame (Score 4, Insightful) 88

Even though time and time again studies show that well rested employees are more productive, people in USA keep working longer hours with fewer holidays. And that is the reason for 80% of those last minute flights.

Why cannot the state mandate that each employee gets X days of holiday per year guaranteed, and is forced to take them? That's how it works in quite a few countries in Europe.


Comment Not that useful- no Linux/dev workload benchmarks (Score 1) 129

I wish there were more sites that doing Linux benchmarks than Phoronix.

Or if not, I wish more sites would benchmark workloads that are more than some synthetics, office/browser use, transcoding and games.

What about the things software developers have to deal with day-to-day? Application/web server performance? IDE performance? Compiler performance? Database performance? LibreOffice performance? Interpreter/VM performance for different languages? Latency/performance of variuous desktop environments, GNOME, KDE, XFCE? Performance of various servers- FTP, email, Samba etc.?

Phoronix does some of that, but nowhere near enough.


Comment AAISP doesn't block anything (Score 1) 195


I just wanted to say that I'm on AAISP and it does not block anything. It does not use IWF filters, nor any blocklists as far as I know.

And most of the big ISPs that block stuff do that because of "gentleman's agreement", not because of explicit court orders. So basically they do it because they didn't have the balls to contest/refuse the requests by special interest groups.

And AAISP is the only ISP I know where you can get support via IRC channel. They do limit internet usage, but increasing your non-working hours limits is very cheap, and I never max them out anyway. Other than that, I'm very happy with AAISP. Oh, and they have IPv6!


Comment F-Droid (Score 2) 243

Get the one from F-Droid. There is an open-source package repository and it has a bunch of useful open-source apps for Android.

You can be quite sure whatever you get from F-Droid is not an ad-ladden spyware. It doesn't have many apps, but there are some very good ones, and signal-to-noise ratio is much better than official app store.


Comment The Web is no longer about pages (Score 2) 123

Well, in case you didn't get the memo, the definition of World Wide Web has changed dramatically since the 1990s.

World Wide Web is no longer about seeing pages to present you with information. It's about running applications to give you functionality. This effectively turned the web browser into a not-so-thin application client.

I believe this whole thing happened because Microsoft had control of what gets installed on desktop for a long while, and the only application-client technology installed on all machines was a web browser. If all machines were shipped with an X server or a VNC client or some other application-client technology, maybe things could have been different. But we are where we are, and because of that features like Canvas, HTML5, WebGL, NaCl, very fast JavaScript JIT engines get added to the browser to make it more efficiant APPLICATION client, not a page browser.


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