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Comment Re:Screw Megapixels (Score 1) 204

You probably already have decided you want that camera, but if I were you, I would invest in glass first (keeping your current body or getting a cheap one) & only later upgrade the camera. Decent to good lenses might last you many decades, the body will be obsolete in 5 years.
A entry level DSLR is as almost as good as the top-tier ones, anyways, barring build quality.

Comment Re:Laser Beams (Score 1) 892

If you can build a laser with enough power, focal distance and cooling to do significant damage at .6 lightseconds you're going to mop the floor with anyone attempting to use kinetics at that range.

That is going to be a major issue in space combat. How do you get rid of the heat? It wouldn't surpise me if it would boil down to who can keep a cool environment the longest.
Unless you fit your craft with gigantic radiators. But those would be suceptible to kinetic damage, from torpedos and the like.

Comment Re:Who Cares? (Score 1) 761

Also I might be a bit slow today, but I don't understand the summary:

Apple's fiscal first quarter represents the most profitable quarter ever recorded. Only one U.S. company has ever posted a more profitable quarter — Exxon [...]

Seems like a contradiction to me. So is it the most profitable quarter in history or not? In the history of what? the US? the world?

Comment Re:This again? (Score 1) 589

Put another way: just because the general population has a makeup of a certain distribution, why do we assume some activity Y with a distribution different to that global distribution indicates some kind of undesirable situation?

Assuming you like and use a certain OSS project to which 100 male & 2 female coders contribute, wouldn't it be *desirable* if that the ratio would be closer to 1:1? In the ideal case that would mean 200 coders working on better, almost-twice-as-feature-rich software for the community.

Comment Looks promising (Score 1) 29

There is a lot of room for another smartphone platform, IMO. Can't speak for WP7, because I haven't tried it, but the others all suffer from some combination of: closedness, privacy/security issues, poor performance, poor build quality, poor battery life, being dead.

Tizen seems to approach at least some of these issues in a sensible manner.

Comment Re:The article is weak (Score 1) 309

Kodak was known primarily for it's film and related products. That of course is not an easy transition to digital as it negates the need for film. It's hard for a company to do away with their core business voluntarily.

Even so, they make (or just design?) the sensors for some of the most expensive cameras out there. Perhaps if they had managed to get their name associated with those brands, their low-level stuff would have sold better.

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