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Comment Re:I guess they would never have hired (Score 1) 743

Sure, asking for evidence is "weak" argument. All I'm saying is we have plenty of evidence religion and god is man made

No, the weak arguments are the misrepresenting the origin of the New Testament, the blind assumptions about my background, the claim that atheism is a default, the ignoring of documents dated earlier that you claim, and the gross lampooning of the intent of religion.

Asking for evidence is where we came in, when you asserted that "science is constantly proving religion wrong" and I asked what you meant. Nothing you've said since has backed up that initial claim.

people who reject reason and evidence based reasoning

Sorry, was that supposed to mean me? Please, just read the first paragraph of my first post again.

their irrational beliefs?

Do you not see that you are claiming the very same position of superior understanding that you're telling me I'm not allowed to have?

Comment Re:I guess they would never have hired (Score 1) 743

You strike me as someone who never examined any of the arguments against your position.

And you strike me as someone who uses ad hominem to bolster a weak argument.

Your "onus of proof", "knowing God's will" and "geographical default" objections are noted and argued in the video I already pointed to. And your version of the history of the New Testament is so inaccurate that even wikipedia is less cynical.

Comment Re:I guess they would never have hired (Score 1) 743

Do you really need some bibliography listed here? How about you take good math foundations, then learn about scientific method, then learn about quantum theory, then see how physical chemistry and atom theory follows from quantum theory, then go to organic chemistry, chemical bond theory, then learn about biology, cell theory, genetic and molecular biology, evolution, learn about diversity of life, astrobiology.

Yes, I've done that (well most of it - I hold Master of Sciences degree from Cambridge University). And yet I also believe the claims that the Bible makes about itself, about God, and about us. I believe that the historical authenticity of the text stands up to rational scrutiny. And I don't see any of the things you've mentioned as being contradictory to it. Exactly which religion is disproved by tectonic plate theory?

It is important here to distinguish between the core beliefs of the religion (and I'm going to speak specifically of Christianity, i.e. what the Bible says) versus the traditions, practices and interpretations of strictly human origin (dogma as you put it). Somebody else mentioned Galileo. Yes, he came into conflict with the church authorities when he showed that Earth was not at the centre of the solar system; but it wasn't a "disproof of religion" as the Bible doesn't make that claim. The suggestion that it did came partly from tradition of the prevailing mindset, and partly from an excessively literal reading of verses in Psalms or Ecclesiastes which say things like "the sun rises". (How can I say that one interpretation is excessively literal? Psalms is a songbook. The Bible is a collection of about six different types of literature, and you can identify the bits which are narrative and can be taken pretty much at literal face value, and the bits which are poetry and a more metaphorical approach is justified. When it says "the sun rises" in Psalms that's no more intended to be a definitive statement of relative motion, than when Rolf Harris sang it).

Not to say that all dogma is wrong - to fully understand the Bible would be more than a life's work, so I'm glad that people have given me a useful shortcut by summarising the flow of it. But I don't accept their words blindly - I check it for self-consistency, for consistency with the primary source (the Bible), and for consistency with my experience and understanding of the way the universe works - including my scientific training.

You claim "religion [...] makes a virtue out of accepting dogma" (and maybe some religions do - it's difficult to argue against such generalities) but mine doesn't, and I certainly don't think that's a biblical principle. On the contrary, there are number of biblical examples where people, on hearing something from their religious leaders, are commended for taking a sceptical (dare I say, evidence-based reasoning) approach by checking up on it first to see if it's true. (Acts 17:11 is the first one that comes to mind)

And then there is belief in something based on no evidence. You could say, it is based on ignorance. This kind of belief is called faith.

No, I don't agree that those terms are equivalent. Faithful Christians are no more ignorant for believing in God, than an atheist is for not doing so.

Sorry for not responding to every point in your post, but I have a feeling that I'd be here all day if I tried. Can I suggest if you're genuinely interested in how I might justify my disagreement with your points of view, that rather than try to continue a long thread in here, could I point you to a video of an Authors@Google talk by Tim Keller (author of "The Reason for God") in which he expresses similar ideas much better than I can.

Incidentally, I'm not typing this with any particular aim or expectation of trying to convince you that the Bible is true. I'm just arguing that believing it is at least rational, and compatible with a scientific approach. If there were credible contradictory evidence then faith would be preposterous, but I am convinced this is not the case.


Smart Meters Wreaking Havoc With Home Electronics 375

wiredmikey writes "About 200 customers of the Central Maine Power Company recently noticed something odd after the utility installed smart meters in their homes: household electronics, including wireless devices, stopped working, or behaved erratically. Many Smart Meters broadcast in the 2.4GHz frequency range. Unfortunately, so do many of the consumer gadgets we take for granted these days including routers, electric garage doors, fire alarms, clocks, electric pet fences, answering machines, and baby monitors — even medical devices. The electromagnetic congestion in the home is in some ways similar to the growing electronic congestion in hospitals as they acquire more and more electronic monitors all operating within a few feet of each other. Medical equipment has been known to shut down or give erroneous results when positioned close to another piece of equipment. Such interference is not new, just getting worse — rapidly."

Google Starts Indexing Facebook Comments 167

First time accepted submitter SharkLaser writes "Users of Facebook Connect have previously enjoyed extra privacy as it was harder for Google to index comments made on the platform. Google, which also runs the competing service Google+, has now started indexing Facebook's public comments as well as comments made on platforms Disqus and Intense Debate, which all used programming that was hard for Google to read. Public comments and links made on those platforms will now be directly visible and searchable in Google."

Comment Re:Jailbreak == Piracy (Score 1) 148

Only because Apple are forcing us to break the law, just to enable something they could have quite easily added themselves.

Let me get this straight. Apple have released something shiny and not given it to you for free, and in your head that means they are forcing you to pirate it. Forcing you? Really, is that the best you can do?

Jailbreaking itself doesn't force you to pirate apps or break the law. If you Jailbreak to do that, that's your own problem, but you shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush.

I don't have to; when the announcement of the jailbreak and the incitement to run pirated software appear in the same slashdot headline, you're doing a perfectly good job of tarring yourselves.

Comment Re:I can only see two ways for this to pan out (Score 1) 578

There was broad dissatisfaction with the Nexus One, and that was just one handset.

Really?!? The only dissatisfaction with the Nexus One was distribution. Google tried to sell it outside the influence of the carriers and the carriers played hardball.

I have a Nexus One and I love it... [...]

That does not sound like broad dissatisfaction to me...

I thought it was fair clear in context that I was talking about dissatisfaction on the part of other manufacturers, who had bought into Android on the understanding that they would all be on a level playing field.

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